Tutorial and Technical Briefing Proposals
The ICSE tutorial and technical briefings program provides conference participants with the opportunity to gain new insights, knowledge, and skills in a broad range of areas of software engineering.
ICSE 2012 is soliciting proposals for both traditional tutorials and shorter technical briefings.
Tutorials may cover a wide range of mature topics from practical techniques, guidelines, standards, and surveys, to theoretical issues. We encourage tutorials that provide clear utility to conference participants. We welcome proposals for both half-day (3 full hours) and full-day (6 full hours) tutorials. Tutorials will be held during the two days prior to the main conference.
Technical Briefings provide a venue for communicating the current state of a timely topic related to software engineering. As opposed to in-depth tutorials in more mature fields, technical briefings should provide a compact introduction to the state-of-the-art in an emerging area. Technical briefings will take place in 90 minutes slots either in parallel with the main conference or on the day prior to the main conference.
The tutorials and technical briefings committee will review each proposal and will select quality proposals that fit the evaluation criteria.
Each proposal will be evaluated on its anticipated benefit for prospective participants and its fit within the program as a whole. Factors to be considered also include: relevance, timeliness, importance, and audience appeal; suitability for presentation in a half- or full-day tutorial format or in a 90’ technical briefing format; effectiveness of teaching methods; and past experience and qualifications of the presenters.
How to Submit
Proposals should include a title, a paragraph describing the topic, a paragraph explaining why the topic would be of interest to a broad section of the software engineering community, and the names and short biographies of the speakers. A proposal should be no longer than 1 page and should be in PDF format. Together with the proposal, at least three typical sample slides from the intended tutorial presentation must be submitted. The proposal, as well as the sample slides, must be submitted in PDF, with all fonts included.
All papers must conform at time of submission to the ICSE 2012 formatting and submission instructions.
Papers must be submitted electronically by the stated deadline.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: October 27, 2011
Notification of acceptance: November 29, 2011
Speaker Contract
Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted tutorials will be asked to sign a contract and will also receive further instructions about how to prepare and submit the tutorial notes, the tutorial summary (for the website) and speaker biographies.
ICSE organizers reserve the right to cancel tutorials that fail to attract a minimum of 10 registrants by the close of early registration. Presenters will be notified within one week of the conclusion of early registration whether their tutorials have sufficient registrations to be held.
Tutorial speakers will receive an honorarium (CHF 300 for half-day and CHF 600 for full-day tutorials) and travel expenses reimbursed up to CHF 1000 per tutorial (i.e., multiple speakers must share the honorarium and reimbursement limit). All speakers receive free registration for their tutorial (but not for the main conference).
Technical briefing speakers will receive one complimentary conference registration per presentation. No honorarium or travel expenses are paid.
Tutorials Co-Chairs
Andreas Leitner, Google Zurich, Switzerland
Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern, Switzerland
Tutorials and Technical Briefings Committee Members
Alexander Pretschner, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
James Whittaker, Google, United States
Tom Zimmermann, Microsoft Research, United States
Adrian Zwingli, SwissQ, Switzerland