Conference Topics
Topics of interest for ICSE 2012 include, but are not restricted to:
Agile software development | Program comprehension and visualization |
Autonomic and self-managed software | Requirements engineering |
Computer-supported collaborative work | Reengineering and reverse engineering |
Component-based software engineering | Quality and performance |
Configuration management and deployment | Service-oriented architectures and applications |
Dependendability, safety and reliability | Software architecture and design |
Distributed, web-based and internet-scale SE | Software economics and metrics |
Empirical software engineering | Software evolution |
End-user software engineering | Software maintenance |
Engineering secure software | Software policy and ethics |
Feature interaction and generative programming | Software reuse |
Human and social aspects | Software specifications |
Knowledge-based software engineering | Testing and analysis |
Mobile, embedded and real-time systems | Theory and formal methods |
Model-driven software engineering | Tools and environments |
Patterns and frameworks | Validation and verification |
Processes and workflow |