Software Engineering Education Papers (SEE)
The software engineering community aims to educate tomorrow’s leaders and innovators who research and develop software solutions in the context of a sustainable society and a smarter planet. Powerful forces, including demographics, challenging economic landscape, knowledge economy, internationalization, rapidly evolving technologies, sustainable development, and resource limitations require significant changes in the role of universities in society. These forces present big challenges and huge opportunities for software engineering to exhibit leadership in designing the changes that will shape our future.
As a responsibility to our society it is critical that our community meets the challenges of the software engineering profession. All over the world, there is an increasing demand for highly qualified software engineers. We need to devote an increasing amount of time and energy to both the training of new software engineers and the continuing education of practitioners. This problem is exacerbated because the first generation of software engineering leaders and educators is nearing retirement age. The goal of the ICSE 2012 software engineering education track is to analyze and discuss these challenges to software engineering education.
We solicit contributions from the software engineering community dealing with problems, questions, issues, and innovative solutions in teaching software engineering. We solicit high-quality papers on software engineering education in two categories: (1) Full papers, up to 10 pages, documenting well-articulated and well-established results and findings; and (2) Short papers, up to 4 pages, describing new ideas and results that may not have been fully validated yet, but are worth sharing with the community. Topics include but are not limited to:
- Given the global shortage of software engineers, how do we educate as many young people as possible with a long lasting set of knowledge and abilities about the engineering of software?
- How can we provide continuing education for practitioners? Do they need special treatment, or can we use the same lectures and projects that we provide for students? Do practitioners need exams and degrees?
- How do we generate faculty positions during economic downturns to replace the first generations of software engineering leaders and educators?
- Software has fundamental impact on society. How should we address ethical and cultural societal issues effectively? How should we teach organizational and cultural issues effectively?
- How should projects and theory be integrated in software engineering courses? How should we integrate the topics of smarter planet, sustainable development, and resource limitations into software engineering curricula?
- There is a large variety of tools and frameworks for software development, but any curriculum can address only a few of them. How much time and energy should be devoted to this moving target?
- Software engineering is about collaboration in an increasingly distributed, multi-site fashion. What is the impact of linguistic differences? How do we teach the skills required in multi-site projects effectively?
- Attrition in first year is a significant problem. How can we address this problem in software engineering programs? Are there fundamental issues related to programming languages, software tools, and infrastructure? Should software engineers take a more active role in teaching first year programming?
- What are the implications of the Bologna accord—a European revolution with global implications—with respect to software engineering education?
All papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the SEE Program Committee. Papers must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, significance of contribution, applicability, validation, relation to the goals listed above, quality of presentation, and discussion to related work.
Important Dates
Paper submission: October 27, 2011
Notification: January 27, 2011
Camera ready version: March 16, 2012
SEE Education Track: June 6-8, 2012
How to Submit
For submission instructions please refer to the ICSE 2012 website. There will be a page with general submission instructions (e.g., that papers have to be formatted in IEEE conference proceedings format) and how to access the paper submission system. The accepted papers will appear in the ICSE 2012 SEE proceedings and the ACM and IEEE digital libraries.
SEE Program Co-Chairs
Jochen Ludewig, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Hausi A. Müller, University of Victoria, Canada
SEE Program Committee Members
Gerardo Canfora, University of Sannio, Italy
Ivica Crnkovic, Professor, Mälardalen University, Sweden
Shihong Huang, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Mira Kajko-Mattsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Rick Kazman, University of Hawaii, USA
Michele Lanza, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Richard LeBlanc, Seattle University, USA
Tim Lethbridge, University of Ottawa, Canada
Claus Lewerentz, Technische Universität Cottbus, Germany
Grace Lewis, SEI, USA
Jeff Magee, Imperial College, UK
Leon Moonen, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Martin Naedele, ABB Research, Switzerland
Claudia Raibulet, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Ita Richardson, Lero-Irish Software Engineering Research, Ireland
Kurt Schneider, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Alberto Sillitti, Free University Bolzano, Italy
Ian Sommerville, St Andrews University, Scotland
João Pedro Sousa, George Mason University, USA
Paul Strooper, University of Queensland, Australia
Kenny Wong, University of Alberta, Canada