Posters and Informal Demonstrations
The ICSE 2012 Poster and Informal Tool Demonstrations Track provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present, show-case, and discuss their most recent advances, experiences, and challenges in the field of software engineering in an informal setting. As the top software engineering venue, ICSE is known to provide an excellent environment for discussions from which new ideas and solutions can emerge.
Poster submissions are intended to stimulate discussions of recent advances, experiences, and challenges as well as cutting-edge ideas, in the field of software engineering. Informal tool demonstrations are intended to show implementations of novel software engineering concepts. Authors of the New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) and the Doctoral Symposium (DS) tracks are thus particularly encouraged to submit an accompanying poster and informal tool demonstration paper.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. The main evaluation criteria include the relevance and quality of the proposed posters and informal demonstrations in terms of originality, relevance for the ICSE audience, technical soundness, and presentation quality.
How to Submit
Poster submissions
Submissions comprise an extended abstract of two pages (in ICSE 2012 proceedings format) and the poster in A0 portrait format (841mm x 1189mm). The extended abstract describes recent advances, experiences, challenges or cutting-edge ideas in the field of software engineering. Submissions must be clearly indicated as posters by preceding the title of the extended abstract with "Poster", for example "Poster: New Advances in Software Engineering".
Informal research demonstration submissions
Submissions comprise an extended abstract of two pages (in ICSE 2012 proceedings format) and a description of the demonstration (see below). The extended abstract describes the implementation of novel software engineering concepts. Submissions must be clearly indicated as informal research demonstrations by preceding the title of the abstract with "Informal Research Demonstration", for example "Informal Research Demonstration: The Toblerone Analyzer".
Furthermore, each informal research demonstration submission is accompanied by either max. two pages that present 1-2 typical usage scenarios of the tool (including screen shots) or a video that shows these usage scenarios. The video must not exceed 5 minutes in length and the submission must clearly indicate the URL where the video is available.
All submitted materials (papers, posters, demonstration descriptions) must be in pdf.
All papers must conform at time of submission to the ICSE 2012 formatting and submission instructions, and must not exceed two pages, including all text, references and figures.
Papers must be submitted electronically by the deadline stated below.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: February 17, 2012 (firm)
Acceptance Notification: March 20, 2012
Camera-ready Copy Deadline: March 29, 2012
Track Co-Chairs
Martin Pinzger, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Gabriele Taentzer, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Program Committee
Bram Adams, Queen's University, Canada
Sven Apel, University of Passau, Germany
Marco D'Ambros, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Juan de Lara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Tudor Girba, University of Berne, Switzerland
Reiko Heckel, University of Leicester, Great Britain
Abram Hindle, University of Alberta, Canada
David Lo, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Mircea Lungu, University of Berne, Switzerland
Rui Abreu, University of Porto, Portugal
Ali Mesbah, University of British Columbia, Canada
Mark Minas, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Arend Rensink, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Romain Robbes, University of Chile, Chile
Chanchal Roy, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Daniel Varro, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Manuel Wimmer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Andy Zaidman, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Albert Zündorf, University of Kassel, Germany