Mentoring Program
The mentoring program provides prospective submitters to the technical/research track the opportunity to obtain advice on the structure and content of a prospective submission. Keep reading to find out how to request a mentor or how to be a mentor!
What You Can Expect if Mentored
You can expect a mentor to spend between three and seven hours on your submission, providing high-level feedback on its structure and content. A mentor may also suggest the work is more suitable for another track at ICSE.
The mentor will be a member of a prior (not the current) ICSE technical/research track program selection committee. The mentors will be asked to respond with feedback on your submission within one month of accepting the mentorship. We will do our best to match you with a suitable mentor. In some cases, despite our best efforts, we may not be able to find a mentor for your submission.
By default, the mentor will be anonymous unless the mentor chooses to identify him or herself.
Who is Eligible to Request a Mentor
This program is available to prospective submitters who have not yet published a technical/research track article at ICSE or at another major ACM SIGSOFT-sponsored conference (e.g., FSE, ASE, etc.). If you are a student, a mentor is not meant to replace the academic faculty with whom you are already working or who are available at your institution. If you are a student, then please discuss the suitability of this mentoring program with your faculty advisors.
How to Request a Mentor
You may request a mentor once anytime between May 1, 2011 and July 15, 2011. We strongly recommend that you request a mentor early so you have sufficient time to incorporate the mentor's feedback. You must judge when your submission has enough content for a mentor to provide helpful comments. You should thoroughly proofread the paper for typographical and grammatical errors before requesting a mentor to ensure that the mentor can focus on technical content; if your native language is not English, you should first arrange for your paper to be reviewed by a native English speaker before submitting it for mentoring.
To request a mentor, please register and submit an abstract for your submission on EasyChair via the URL https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsemp2012. The full submission should be submitted using the same URL within a week of registration and no later than July 31, 2011. The firm deadline for registering and submitting a manuscript is July 31, 2011.
Call for Mentors
If you have previously served on an ICSE technical/research track program selection committee, we need your help to be a mentor! As a mentor, you will be asked to provide comments on at most two prospective technical/research track submissions. Once assigned a paper, we ask you to spend between three to seven hours reviewing the technical content and structure of the paper, and provide anonymous feedback to the authors within one month. The assignment period runs from May through July 2011.
As a mentor, you may decide to self-identify to the authors and/or to provide comments on more than one draft.
To become a mentor, please send an email to icsemp2012@easychair.org.
Please address additional questions to the ICSE 2012 Mentoring Program Organizers:
Laura K. Dillon, Michigan State University
Tetsuo Tamai, University of Tokyo