ICSE 2012 Workshops
W1: 7th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST 2012)
Saturday and Sunday, June 2-3, 2012
Daniel Hoffman (University of Victoria, Canada)
John Hughes (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Dianxiang Xu (Dakota State University, USA)
The 7th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST 2012) seeks high quality research and industrial case study papers on the theory and practice of software test automation whilst encouraging discussions through Charette sessions. The focus of AST is aimed at providing researchers and practitioners with a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences, developing an understanding of the fundamental challenges, articulating a vision for the future, and finding promising solutions to pressing problems. The special theme of this edition of the workshop is automation of security testing. The Charette sessions will focus on this topic. Submissions on this topic are particularly welcome.
W2: 4th International Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MiSE’2012)
Saturday and Sunday, June 2-3, 2012
Joanne M. Atlee (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Robert Baillargeon (Sodius, USA)
Robert France (Colorado State University, USA)
Geri Georg (Colorado State University, USA)
Ana Moreira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Bernhard Rumpe (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Steffen Zschaler (King's College London, UK)
Models are an important tool in conquering the increasing complexity of modern software systems. Key industries are strategically directing their development environments towards more extensive use of modeling techniques. This workshop aims to understand, through critical analysis, the current and future uses of models in the engineering of software-intensive systems. The MISE-workshop series has proven to be an effective forum for discussing modeling techniques from the MDD and the software engineering perspectives. An important goal of this workshop is to foster exchange between these two communities. This year the focus will be on analyzing successful applications of modeling techniques in specific application domains and determining how the experience can be carried over to other domains.
W3: Co-operative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE)
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Helen Sharp (The Open University, UK)
Yvonne Dittrich (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Cleidson R.B. de Souza (IBM Research, Brazil)
Marcelo Cataldo (Bosch Corporate Research, USA)
Rashina Hoda (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Software is created by people for people working in a range of environments and under various conditions. Any aspiration towards sustainability in software engineering will need to take account of the people in the process, their behaviour and the impact of that behaviour. Understanding the cooperative and human aspects of software development is crucial in order to comprehend how methods and tools are used, and thereby improve the creation and maintenance of software. Both researchers and practitioners have recognized the need to investigate these aspects, but the results of such investigations are dispersed in different conferences and communities.
The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussing high quality research on human and cooperative aspects of software engineering. We aim to provide both a meeting place for the community and the possibility for researchers interested in joining the field to present and discuss their work in progress and to get an overview over the field.
W4: Collaborative Teaching of Globally Distributed Software Development - Community Building Workshop (CTGDSD2)
Saturday, June 9, 2012 Please note that this workshop has been moved from June 2 to June 9
Stuart Faulk (University of Oregon, USA)
David Weiss (Iowa State University, USA)
Michal Young (University of Oregon, USA)
Lian Yu (Peking University, China)
Software engineering project courses where student teams are geographically distributed can effectively simulate the problems of globally distributed software development. However, this pedagogical model has proven difficult to adopt or sustain. It requires significant pedagogical resources and collaboration infrastructure. Institutionalizing such courses also requires compatible and reliable teaching partners.
The purpose of this workshop is to foster a community of international faculty, students, and institutions committed to developing, supporting, and teaching DSD. Foundational materials presented will include pedagogical materials and infrastructure developed and used in teaching DSD courses along with results and lessons learned. Long-range goals include: lowering adoption barriers by providing common pedagogical materials, validated collaboration infrastructure, and a pool of potential teaching partners from around the globe.
This year's workshop will also focus on opportunities for collaborative research in DSD. Attendees are invited to submit and share their ideas for working with community members or exploiting common resources to support ne research.
W5: Formal Methods in Software Engineering: Rigorous and Agile Approaches (FormSERA)
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012
Stefania Gnesi (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Stefan Gruner (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Nico Plat (West Consulting BV, The Netherlands)
Berhard Rumpe, (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
The workshop addresses the use formal methods in software development practice. Formal methods differ from many software engineering techniques in that they demand and exploit a mathematically rigorous semantic basis for the tools and notations used. Such sound foundations permit the analysis of software engineering artifacts to a depth, and with a degree of automation, that is otherwise impossible to achieve.
Ample studies show that formal techniques can be used in industrial settings, given careful and tool-supported application. However, the maturing of formal techniques into real-life software engineering involves providing notations and tools that are readily understood and used by practitioners, and the integration of such tools with activities that are far from the unrealistic assumptions that characterized some earlier research in formal methods. Examples include deployment of formal methods in conjunction with structured requirements analysis and modeling, programming practices, test technology, aspect-oriented techniques and agile development practices.
W6: Third International Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA'12)
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Vittorio Cortellessa (University of L’Aquila, Italy) - PC Co-chair
Amy L. Murphy (Bruno Kessler Foundation, Italy) - PC Co-chair
Kurt Geihs (University of Kassel, Germany)
Luca Mottola (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden)
Gian Pietro Picco (University of Trento, Italy)
Kay Römer (University of Lübeck, Germany & ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
By acting as the interface between digital and physical worlds, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) represent a fundamental building block of the upcoming Internet of Things and a key enabler for Cyber-physical and Pervasive Systems. Despite the interest raised by this decade-old research topic, the development of WSN software is still carried out in a rather primitive fashion, by building software directly atop the operating system and by relying on the individual, hard-earned programming skills. WSN developers must face not only the functional application requirements but also a number of challenging, non-functional requirements and constraints resulting from scarce resources. The heterogeneity of network nodes, the unpredictable environmental influences, and the large size of the network further add to the difficulties. In the WSN community there is a growing awareness of the need for methodologies, techniques, and abstractions that simplify the development task and increase the confidence in the correctness and performance of the resulting software. Software engineering (SE) support is therefore sought, not only to ease the development task but also to make it more reliable, dependable, and repeatable. Nevertheless, this topic has received so far very little attention by the SE community. This third edition of SESENA aims to attract researchers from both the SE and WSN communities, not only to exchange recent research results on the topic, but also to stimulate discussion about the core open problems and to define a shared research agenda. The workshop welcomes both research contributions and position statements.
W7: First International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Patricia Lago (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Rick Kazman (University of Hawaii, USA)
Niklaus Meyer (Green IT SIG, Swiss Informatics Society, Switzerland)
Maurizio Morisio (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Hausi A. Mueller (University of Victoria, Canada)
Frances Paulisch (Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany)
Giuseppe Scanniello (Università della Basilicata, Italy)
Olaf Zimmermann (IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland)
ICT accounts for approximately 2% of world CO2 emissions, a figure equivalent to aviation, according to Gartner estimates. In fact, this 2% includes (only) the ‘in-use phase’ of hardware: in the remaining 98% software both operationalizes the private sector in doing its business and the public sector in supporting society, as well as delivering end-user applications that permeate our personal lives.
Software can contribute to decrease power consumption (i.e. become greener) in at least two ways. First, by being more energy efficient, hence using lesser resources and causing fewer CO2 emissions. Second, by making its supported processes more sustainable, i.e. decreasing the emissions of governments, companies and individuals. To this end, enterprise software must be completely rethought to address sustainability issues and support sustainable & innovative business models and processes.
Creating greener software is the focus of GREENS 2012 with special theme 'Green Knowledge for Sustainable Software Engineering.' It brings together software engineering researchers and practitioners to discuss the state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in green software, as well as research challenges, novel ideas, methods, experiences, and tools to support the engineering of sustainable and energy efficient software systems.
W8: Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades (HotSWUp 2012)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Michael Wahler (ABB, Switzerland)
Danny Dig (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
The goal of the HotSWUp Workshop is to identify cutting-edge research for supporting software upgrades that are flexible, efficient, robust, and easy to specify and apply. Many diverse research areas are concerned with building large, evolving, highly-available systems. In particular, there has been a recent surge of interest on software upgrades in all of these areas, as reflected in the recent issues of conferences such as ICSE, ICDE, FSE, SIGMOD, OOPSLA, PLDI, SOSP, and OSDI. By seeking contributions from both academic researchers and industry practitioners, HotSWUp aims to combine novel ideas with experience from upgrading real systems.
W9: ICSE 2012 Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for the Smart Grid (SE-SmartGrid)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Ian Gorton, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Yan Liu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Heiko Koziolek, ABB Corporate Research, Germany
Dave Bakken, Washington State University, USA
Rick Kazman, University of Hawaii/SEI Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Hong-Mei Chen, University of Hawaii, USA
Alberto Avritzer, Siemens Corporate Research, Inc, USA
The smart grid encompasses a business strategy within the electric utility industry for incorporating intelligence in the power distribution network. The smart grid will create the capabilities to handle the challenges of increasing complexity in the bulk power grid, to respond to demand growth, support renewable energy sources and satisfy the requirements for enhanced, adaptive service quality. Achieving these goals requires a framework for the cohesive integration of communication and information technologies, interconnected in a complex energy and information real-time control network. This framework must provide the principle properties of smart grids, including self-healing, security, availability and responsiveness to demand and supply variability.
However, the realization of these benefits requires a major sustained effort from the power and software industry. This effort must deliver software solutions that operate in real-time for the purposes of metering, communication, monitoring and control. Collectively, these emerging solutions pose a broad range of software engineering (SE) challenges, creating the need for members of the SE research community to interact with the power engineering community to address these issues. This workshop will facilitate this collaboration by bringing together members of these communities. They will be able to share perspectives and present findings from research and practice relevant to smart grid software and services. The goal of the workshop is to generate and publish a research agenda for improved tools, techniques, advanced computing capabilities (such as high performance and cloud computing), and standard-based open distributed architectures for smart grid software engineering.
W10: 2nd Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-ins (TOPI 2012)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Diego Garbervetsky (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) co-chair
Sunghun Kim (Hong Kong Univ of Science and Tech., China) co-chair
Judith Bishop (Microsoft Research, USA)
Karin Breitman (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
David Notkin (University of Washington, USA)
Our knowledge as to how to solve software engineering problems is increasingly being encapsulated in tools. These tools are at their strongest when they operate in a pre-existing development environment that can provide integration with existing elements such as compilers, debuggers, profilers and visualizers.
Building tools as plug-ins can be challenging. How do they interact with the core environment? How do they interact with one another?, especially since each developer may choose a different set of plug-ins. How can we share tools across different and future core development environments?
This workshop is intended to all those interested in developing tools as plug-ins for IDEs, middle-wares and browsers. We look for position papers spotting the medium and long term challenges of developing tools as plug-ins as well as research contributions identifying recent successful tools as plug-ins, characteristics of good plug-ins and reports of the main difficulties in implementing plug-ins incurrent plaftforms.
The main focus will be on fostering creative discussion between the participants, on specific themes. We will examine the categories of problems that are best solved using plug-ins and look at key challenges.
W11: 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM 2012)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Giulio Concas (University of Cagliari, Italy)
Ewan Tempero (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Hongyu Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)
Gerardo Canfora (University of Sannio, Italy)
The Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss the progress of software metrics. The motivation for this workshop is the low impact that software metrics has on current software development. The goals of this workshop are to critically examine the evidence for the effectiveness of existing metrics and to identify new directions for development of software metrics.
W12: 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering in Health Care (SEHC 2012)
Monday and Tuesday, June 4-5, 2012
Ruth Breu (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
John Hatcliff (Kansas State University, USA)
The world faces increasing reliance on software-intensive systems to manage quality health care services, from scheduling, billing, and health care records to the control of life-critical devices and process-guided procedures. Unique challenges and risks arise with the development, evolution, and integration of health software. The goal of this fourth workshop is to continue the development of an interdisciplinary community to identify and address software engineering challenges in health care applications.
W13: Sixth International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC 2012)
Monday, June 4, 2012
Katsuro Inoue (Osaka University, Japan)
James R. Cordy (Queen's University, Canada)
Rainer Koschke (University of Bremen, Germany)
Software Clones are identical or similar pieces of code, models or designs. In this, the 6th international workshop on software clones, we will discuss issues in software clone detection, analysis and management, as well as applications to software engineering contexts that can benefit from knowledge of clones. These are important emerging topics in software engineering research and practice. We will have full and short paper presentations and open discussions of broader topics on software clones, such as clone detection methods, clone classification, management, and evolution, the role of clones in software system architecture, quality and evolution, clones in plagiarism, licensing and copyright, and other topics related to similarity in software systems.
W14: 4th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS)
Monday, June 4, 2012
Patricia Lago (VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Grace A. Lewis (CMU Software Engineering Institute, USA)
Andreas Metzger (Paluno, U Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Vladimir Tosic (NICTA, Australia)
Service-oriented systems pose novel challenges to software engineering, stemming from the lack of homogeneity of their basic components and from the requirement of being able to accommodate unprecedented levels of changes and dynamic evolution. Increasingly, services will be offered via the Internet through emerging delivery models such as software-as-a-service (SaaS), business process outsourcing (BPO), cloud services and third-party services. This means that future software systems will increasingly rely on the provisioning of services, which are no longer under the software engineer's control. Those trends are reflected in the special theme of the 4th edition of PESOS: "Internet of Services".
The goal of PESOS 2012 is to bring together software engineering researchers from academia and industry, as well as practitioners working in the areas of service-oriented systems to discuss research challenges, recent developments, novel application scenarios, as well as methods, techniques, experiences and tools to support engineering, evolution and adaptation of large-scale, highly-dynamic service-oriented systems.
For the first time, PESOS will feature a special session on "the quest for case studies", aiming to start collecting and discussing reference examples, benchmarks and experimental data sets related to the theme of the workshop.
W15: Product LinE Approaches in Software Engineering (PLEASE 2012)
Monday, June 4, 2012
Julia Rubin (IBM Research, Israel)
Goetz Botterweck (Lero, Ireland)
Andreas Pleuss (Lero, Ireland)
David M. Weiss (Iowa State University, USA)
Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) is an engineering technique for taking advantage of commonalities and variabilities among a family of similar software products to achieve efficiency in product production. By adopting SPLE practices, organizations are able to achieve significant improvement in time-to-market and quality, reduce engineering and maintenance costs, portfolio size, and more. However, despite the proven benefits of SPLE over traditional reuse approaches, SPLE is still in the early adopter stage.
The main goal of PLEASE is to bring together industrial practitioner and software product line researchers in order to couple real-life industrial problems with concrete solutions developed by the SPLE community. PLEASE is an interactive workshop that aims to connect participants and establish long-term collaborations between them. For instance, researchers and experienced users will be able to apply their expertise to industrial problems, while industrial participants can benefit from the suggested solutions. We also expect additional exchanges of ideas by connecting people working on similar challenges or similar solutions.
We invite short position papers that do one of the following:
(1) Define and illustrate a concrete real-life problem that impedes SPLE adoption or that emerged after (a partial) SPLE adoption by an organization.
(2) Provide and exemplify a practical solution that enables successful application of SPLE practices.
(3) Report on the progress of existing collaborations.
W16: Third International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering (RSSE 2012)
Monday, June 4, 2012
Walid Maalej (TU München, Germany)
Martin Robillard (McGill University, Canada)
Robert J. Walker (University of Calgary, Canada)
Thomas Zimmermann (Microsoft Research, USA)
Recommendation systems for software engineering are tools that help developers and managers to better cope with the huge amount of information faced in today’s software projects. They provide developers with information to guide them in a number of activities (e.g., software navigation, debugging, refactoring), or to alert them of potential issues (e.g., conflicting changes, failure-inducing changes, duplicated functionality). Similarly, managers get only to see the information that is relevant to make a certain decision (e.g., bug distribution when allocating resources). Although many recommendation systems have demonstrable usefulness and usability in software engineering, a number of questions remain to be discussed and investigated: What recommendations do developers and managers actually need? How can we evaluate recommendations? Are there fundamentally different kinds of recommenders? How can we integrate recommendations from different sources? How can we protect the privacy of developers? How can new recommendation systems leverage lessons from existing ones? In this workshop, we will study advances in recommendation systems, with a special focus on evaluation, integration, and usability.
W17: International Workshop on Usability and Accessibility focused Requirements Engineering (UsARE 2012)
Monday, June 04, 2012
Tiziana Catarci (SAPIENZA Università di Roma, Italy)
Anna Perini (Fondazione Bruno Kessler – IRST, Italy)
Norbert Seyff (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Shah Rukh Humayoun (SAPIENZA Università di Roma, Italy)
Nauman Ahmed Qureshi (Fondazione Bruno Kessler – IRST, Italy)
Lack of usability and accessibility are common causes for failed software products. In requirement engineering (RE), software teams might focus on functional requirements and ignore system usability and accessibility requirements. This is a high risk which can lead to project and software failure. Including usability and accessibility requirements later in the development stages can be very costly and time consuming. Targeting these concerns, the workshop envisions that research must address the proper integration of system usability and accessibility requirements into the requirements engineering process and also must focus on how to manage and control the evaluation of these requirements in a systematic way. UsARE 2012 focuses on RE and HCI and will provide a platform for discussing issues which are relevant for both fields. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit contributions including problem statements, technical solutions, experience reports, planned work and vision papers.
W18: Third International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD 2012)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Philippe Kruchten (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Robert Nord (Software Engineering Institute, USA)
Ipek Ozkaya (Software Engineering Institute, USA)
Joost Visser (Software Improvement Group, Netherlands)
The technical debt metaphor has gained significant traction in the software development community as a way to understand and communicate issues of intrinsic quality, value, and cost in the past few years. The idea is that developers sometimes accept compromises in a system in one dimension (e.g., modularity) to meet an urgent demand in some other dimension (e.g., a deadline), and that such compromises incur a ""debt"" on which ""interest"" has to be paid and which should be repaid at some point for the long-term health of the project. Little is known about technical debt, beyond feelings and opinions. The software engineering research community has an opportunity to study this phenomenon and improve the way it is handled. We can offer software engineers a foundation for managing such trade-offs based on models of their economic impacts. The goal of this third workshop is to discuss managing technical debt as a part of the research agenda for the software engineering field, in particular focusing on eliciting and visualizing debt, and creating pay-back strategies.
W19: 1st International Workshop on Realizing AI Synergies in Software Engineering (RAISE’12)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Rachel Harrison (Oxford Brookes University, UK
Tim Menzies (West Virginia University, USA)
Marjan Mernik (University of Maribo, Slovenia)
Pedro Henriques (University of Minho, Portugal)
Daniel Rodriguez (University of Alcala, Spain)
Shih-Hsi “Alex” Liu (California State University, USA)
Daniela da Cruz (University of Minho, Portugal)
Maria João Varanda Pereira (Polytechnic Institute of Braganc, Portugal)
As software engineering is asked to answer dynamic, automated, adaptive, and possibly large scale demands, other computer science disciplines come in to play. Artificial Intelligence is a discipline that may bring software engineering new benefits. Conversely, software engineering can also play a role in alleviating development costs and the development effort associated with AI tools. Such mutually beneficial characteristics have appeared in the past few decades and still are evolving due to new challenges. The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and industrial practitioners to exchange and discuss the latest innovative synergistic AI and SE techniques and practices.
W20: 4th International Workshop on Search-driven development: Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation (SUITE 2012)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Suresh Thummalapenta (IBM Research, IN)
Oliver Hummel (University of Mannheim, DE)
Marcel Bruch (TU Darmstadt, DE)
As software development is a process of both information creation and information gathering, software developers are constantly engaged in activities that search for the pertinent information to solve their problems at hand. The information needs of software developers range from those related to code (writing, changing, fixing, communicating) to process (requirements and design) and people (colleagues). SUITE has become a successful workshop series that seeks to understand and find solutions addressing the information needs of software developers. SUITE 2012 will again provide a forum for academic and industrial researchers to discuss high quality research on how to support software developers through innovative search solutions. SUITE 2012 will emphasize on consolidating and complementing the results of previous SUITE workshops, and continue building an active network of people interested in research centered around tailored information delivery for software developers.
W21: User evaluation for Software Engineering Researchers (USER)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Andrew Begel (Microsoft Research, USA)
Caitlin Sadowski (University of California at Santa Cruz, USA)
In this highly interactive workshop, attendees will collaboratively design, develop, and pilot plans for conducting user evaluations of their own tools and/or software engineering research projects. Attendees will gain practical experience with various user evaluation methods through scaffolded group exercises, panel discussions, and mentoring by a panel of user-focused software engineering researchers. Together, we will establish a community of like-minded researchers and developers to help one another improve our research and practice through user evaluation.
Registration for this workshop is restricted to authors with accepted archival or non-archival proposals. Though the archival deadline has passed, non-archival proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis until we reach 40 accepted proposals or until May 21, 2012, whichever occurs first. See the workshop website for how to submit non-archival proposals.
W22: European Software Services and Systems Research - Results and Challenges (S-Cube)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Andreas Metzger (Paluno, U Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Klaus Pohl (Paluno, U Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Mike Papazoglou (ERISS, U Tilburg, The Netherlands)
The rapid evolution of software technology has brought monumental changes to virtually every market sector and has created enormous opportunities for innovation. One such opportunity is developing innovative systems through the composition of software services available over the Internet. Those services have the power to provide utility to users in a much more dynamic and flexible way than is possible with traditional software technology. However, service-oriented systems and their corresponding software services require fundamental changes to the way software is developed, deployed and maintained. Software that constitutes a service-oriented system is no longer owned by on single organization but is distributed and shared amongst many organizations. This distributed ownership opens up a whole range of research challenges, including the design, evolution, adaptation and quality assurance of service-oriented systems.
This workshop will outline and demonstrate results of fundamental research carried out within S-Cube, the European Network of Excellence on Software Services and Systems. S-Cube brings together 33 research organizations across Europe from disciplines extending beyond traditional realms of software engineering, including cloud computing, business process management and service-oriented computing. The workshop will also serve as a springboard to discuss software engineering research challenges for future service-oriented systems. Future software technology and methods will need to cope with trends such as the convergence of the Internet of Things and services; novel life-cycle models where the boundary between design and runtime will increasingly blur; online quality prediction and proactive adaptation; as well as novel architectural styles for large-scale, long-living service-oriented systems.
Participation to the workshop is open to everybody after registration. Paper submission to the S-Cube workshop will be by invitation only.
W23: First International Workshop on Software Engineering Education based on Real-World Experiences (EduRex)
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Wolfgang Weck (Independent Software Architect, Zurich, Switzerland)
Norbert Seyff (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
When they enter a university program, students often focus on software construction, because programming appears to them as the most interesting, most visible, and most rewarding activity in software engineering. Software engineering curricula need to widen this view by teaching the importance, the methods, the opportunities, and the rewards of all software engineering disciplines. This includes conveying how large-scale software is developed in real-world environments, so that graduates can contribute more effectively to such projects when starting a career. Software engineering education based on real-world experiences allows students to experience software engineering in all its facets and fosters students' motivation.
EduRex 2012 shall provide a discussion forum for teachers, educators and practitioners to exchange ideas, concepts, and experience in experience-oriented learning of software engineering. To stimulate discussions in break-out groups, we seek reports on successful courses, statements of open problems, and plans on how to support experience-oriented learning in the future.
W24: 2nd International Workshop on Games and Software Engineering (GAS 2012): Realizing User Engagement with Game Engineering Techniques
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Kendra M.L. Cooper (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Gail E. Kaiser (Columbia University, USA)
GAS 2012 explores issues that crosscut the software engineering and the game engineering communities. Advances in game engineering techniques can be adopted by the software engineering community to develop more engaging applications across diverse domains: education; healthcare; fitness; sustainable activities (e.g., recycling awareness); and so on. Successful computer games feature a property that is not always found in traditional software: they are highly engaging and intrinsically motivating. Games enthrall players and result in users willing to spend increasing amounts of time and money playing them. In addition, GAS 2012 provides a forum for advances in software engineering for developing more sustainable (“greener”) software, which can be applied to game applications. For example, approaches that support adapting software to trade-off power consumption and video quality would benefit the game community. Software engineering techniques spanning patterns (requirements, design), middleware, testing techniques, development environments and processes for building sustainable software are of great interest. Last year’s GAS workshop brought together people from various fields and investigated the possibilities of this exciting research area - we aim to continue building these relationships and advancing the state of the art.
W25: 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Embedded Systems (SEES 2012)
Saturday, June 9, 2012
He (Jason) Zhang (NICTA/UNSW, Australia)
Liming Zhu (NICTA/UNSW, Australia)
Ihor Kuz (NICTA/UNSW, Australia)
Software development for embedded systems is often a complex undertaking and fundamentally different from that of non-embedded systems. Complexity arises from the need to co-design and create software at low-level of abstraction that also interacts closely with hardware, and with strong emphasis on dependability and mission-critical real-time constraints. Compared to traditional software development, the increasing complexity also exacerbates challenges in embedded software development processes, such as trouble in achieving sufficient product quality and timely delivery. In order to tackle these challenges in embedded software development, industry needs to apply software engineering technologies that are appropriate for specific situations. The SEES 2012 workshop aims to provide researchers and practitioners an international forum to discuss the issues and challenges in adopting software engineering methods for embedded systems development.
W26: 5th International Workshop on Exception Handling (WEH'12)
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Christophe Dony (Montpellier-II University-LIRMM, France)
Alessandro Garcia (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
Jörg Kienzle (McGill University, Canada)
Alexander Romanovsky (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)
The 5th International Workshop on Exception Handling (WEH'12) is an initiative that aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in order to discuss the multi-faceted research on exception handling from a software engineering perspective. With exception handling increasingly becoming a pervasive issue in real-life projects, it is no longer acceptable to consider exception handling only as an implementation matter. Software developers have being facing a number of software engineering challenges towards the effective specification, design, testing, and evolution of exception handling strategies in existing software projects. In order to discuss contemporary software engineering challenges in exception handling, the WEH workshop will be strongly focused on discussions, interleaved with short presentations and discussion groups.