Model-Based Engineering at an Enterprise Scope
Monday, June 4, 2012 14:00-17:30
A major goal of the Software Engineering approach of a large IT organization is to preserve the enterprise knowledge as formal models unlike the widely-used informal prose description. The models must be a first class citizen in the enterprise. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and the components based on EMF define a perfect base for realizing enterprise capable solutions. The workshop gives an introduction to the new language Xcore and demonstrates the benefits of using Eclipse Modeling technologies with the example of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) platform developed at UBS with live demos and modeling sessions.
Xcore: Ecore Meets Xtext
Ed Merks (itemis, Germany)
Eclipse Data Modeling at an Enterprise Scale
Eike Stepper (Independent Consultant), Robert Blust (UBS, Switzerland)
Measure and manage complexity
Christian Meyer (UBS, Switzerland)
About the speakers
Ed Merks leads the Eclipse Modeling Framework project as well as the top-level Eclipse Modeling project. He is a coauthor of the authoritative book “EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework” which is published as a second expanded edition. He is an elected member of the Eclipse Foundation Board of Directors and has been recognized by the Eclipse Community Awards as Top Ambassador, Top Committer, and Top Newcomer Evangelist. Ed is currently interested in all aspects of Eclipse modeling and its application and is well recognized for his dedication to the Eclipse community, posting literally thousands of newsgroup answers each year. He spent 16 years at IBM, achieving the level of Senior Technical Staff Member after completing his Ph.D. at Simon Fraser University. He is a partner of itemis AG. His experience in modeling technology spans 25 years.
Eike Stepper is an independent consultant in the areas of OSGi and modeling with over 25 years of experience in software development. With his consulting company ES-Computersysteme (http://www.esc-net.de/), founded back in 1991, he conducted dozens of successful customer projects. Eike is the leader of the CDO Model Repository (http://www.eclipse.org/cdo) and Net4j Signalling Platform (http://wiki.eclipse.org/Net4j) projects at Eclipse. He is also committer on the e4, b3, ECP and Mylyn projects and has won the Top Committer Eclipse Comunity Award 2010 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/foundation/eclipseawards/winners10.php).
Visit Eike’s blog (http://thegordian.blogspot.com/) for more information.
Robert Blust works as an IT Architect for UBS WM&SB IT and is responsible for the strategic tool landscape supporting the software development lifecycle.
Since 2009 he leads a growing team realizing the vision of an integrated tooling platform based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework with a strong focus on model based engineering, scalability and collaboration.
Christian Meier is Head of Wealth Management & Swiss Bank CTO Application Architecture at UBS, Switzerland.