Doctoral Symposium

Monday June 4, 2012   9:00 - 10:00



Prem Devanbu (University of California Davis, USA)


Monday June 4, 2012   10:00 - 10:30

Posters 1-12

Going Global with Agile Service Networks

Damian Andrew Tamburri
 (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Using Structural and Semantic Information to Support Software Refactoring

Gabriele Bavota
 (University of Salerno, Italy)

An Approach to Variability Management in Service-Oriented Product Lines
Sedigheh Khoshnevis
 (Shahid Beheshti University G.C., Iran)

Using Machine Learning to Enhance Automated Requirements Model Transformation
Erol-Valeriu Chioasca
 (University of Manchester, UK)

Security Testing of Web Applications: A Research Plan
Andrea Avancini
 (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)

Application of Self-adaptive Techniques to Federated Authorization Models
Christopher Bailey
 (University of Kent, UK)

Improving Information Retrieval-Based Concept Location Using Contextual Relationships

Tezcan Dilshener
 (Open University, UK)

Effective Specification of Decision Rights and Accountabilities for Better Performing Software Engineering Projects
Monde Kalumbilo
 (University College London, UK)

Search Based Design of Software Product Lines Architectures

Thelma Elita Colanzi
 (Federal University of Paraná, Brazil)

Software Fault Localization Based on Program Slicing Spectrum
Wanzhi Wen
 (Southeast University, China)

Architectural Task Allocation in Distributed Environment: A Traceability Perspective

Salma Imtiaz
 (International Islamic University, Pakistan)

Using Invariant Relations in the Termination Analysis of While Loops

Wided Ghardallou
 (University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia)


Monday June 4, 2012   11:00 - 12:45

Presentations 1-4

Software Regression as Change of Input Partitioning
Marcel Böhme
 (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

A Generic Methodology to Derive Domain-Specific Performance Feedback for Developers

Dennis Westermann
 (SAP Research, Germany)

Towards the Verification of Multi-diagram UML Models

Alfredo Motta
 (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Documenting and Sharing Knowledge About Code

Anja Guzzi
 (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)


Monday June 4, 2012   12:45 - 14:00

Lunch, breakout into subgroups over lunch


Monday June 4, 2012   14:00 - 14:50

Presentations 5, 6

Timely and Efficient Facilitation of Coordination of Software Developers’ Activities
Kelly Blincoe
 (Drexel University, USA)

Stack Layout Randomization: Towards Diversity for Securing Binary Programs
Benjamin Rodes
 (University of Virginia, USA)


Monday June 4, 2012   14:50 - 15:30

Posters 13–25

Synthesis Event-Based Controller: A Software Engineering Challenge

Nicolas D'Ippolito
 (Imperial College London, UK)

Empirically Researching Development of International Software
Malte Ressin
 (University of West London, UK)

Model Translations Among Big-Step Modeling Languages
Fathiyeh Faghih
 (University of Waterloo, Canada)

HARPPIE: Hyper Algorithmic Recipe for Productive Parallelism Intensive Endeavors
Pedro Monteiro
 (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)

On the Analysis of Evolution of Software Artefacts and Programs

Fehmi Jaafar
 (University of Montreal, Canada)

Societal Computing
Swapneel Sheth
 (Columbia University, USA)

Finding Suitable Programs: Semantic Search with Incomplete and Lightweight Specifications
Kathryn Stolee
 (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)

Certification-Based Development of Critical Systems

Panayiotis Steele
 (University of Virginia, USA)

Testing and Debugging UML Models Based on fUML
Tanja Mayerhofer
 (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

Bridging the Divide Between Software Developers and Operators Using Logs
Weiyi Shang
 (Queen's University, Canada)

The Co-evolution of Socio-technical Structures in Sustainable Software Development: Lessons from the Open Source Software Communities
Marcelo Serrano_Zanetti
 (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Log-Based Testing
Alexander Elyasov
 (Utrecht University, Netherlands)

Moving Mobile Applications Between Mobile Devices Seamlessly
Volker Schuchardt
 (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)


Monday June 4, 2012   16:00 - 17:30

Discussion and lessons learned


Monday June 4, 2012   19:00

PhD Event @Google Zurich

Google organizes an event exclusively for the participants of the ICSE 2012 Doctoral Symposium at the Google Zurich Office.

Program (subject to change):