Local Travel
Within the city of Zurich, you can easily travel by tram or bus. For longer distances, you can also travel by train. For detailed traveling schedules you can check connections and ticket prices on both the timetable of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) (train) and the website of Zurich Public Transport (VBZ). Within the Canton of Zurich, both pages will provide the same connection results.
Taxis are also available, but they are very expensive and in most cases, riding by public transport is also faster.
Within the City of Zurich
You can find a pdf of a city plan including tram, bus and train lines here: City of Zurich Network.
Tickets: Within the city limits of Zurich, you need a "1-2 zones" ticket for zone 10 ("Stadtnetz"). Single ride tickets are valid for rides within one hour. A return ticket is in fact a 24h pass: it is valid for 24 hours for unlimited rides. Tickets are valid for all trams, buses, trains (2nd class cars only) and boats (2nd class deck only) within the purchased zone(s). All campuses of the University of Zurich lie in zone 10. However, note that the airport is not in zone 10. For rides from the airport to the city or back, you need a ticket for three zones: 10 (counts double) and 21. If you already have a valid ticket for zone 10, buy a zone upgrade ticket for 1-2 zones (that's cheaper). Please check whether date and time of issue is printed on your ticket (this should always be the case when buying a single ride or return ticket from a vending machine). If not, you need to stamp the ticket (at a ticket vending machine) before your first ride.
For a better orientation, you can have a look at the Google Map below. Or alternatively, use the following link to see the map with tram lines included: ICSE 2012 Google Map. We marked some of the important tram stations and conference locations. You can click on our big markers to get more information. (Please note that Google will not tell you the correct tram line numbers in the popup when you click on one of the very small tram symbols (instead of our markers). In the popup, click on the link "online.fahrplaninfo.zvv.ch" below the line numbers to get the correct line numbers.)
Show ICSE 2012 on a larger map
Show ICSE 2012 on a larger map with tram lines
Tram stops at Zurich Main Station
Bahnhofplatz/HB: lines 3, 10, 14
Bahnhofquai/HB: lines 4, 11, 13, 14
Bahnhofstrasse/HB: lines 6, 7, 11, 13
Directions: When you arrive at the main station by train (on ground level), walk to the head of the tracks and continue into the big old station hall.Walking straight to the end of the hall and taking one of the exits there brings you right to the Bahnhofquai/HB stop. For the other stops, turn right in the middle of the hall and exit towards the fountain on Bahnhofplatz. You'll first come to stop Bahnhofplatz/HB. About 50m into Bahnhofstrasse, you find the stop Bahnhofstrasse/HB.
From the city to the Kongresshaus
The following tram lines bring you close to the Kongresshaus in 7-8 minutes (click on the big tram symbols on the map to get more details):
Line 6 (direction Bahnhof Enge) - get out at Stockerstrasse
Line 7 (direction Wollishofen) - get out at Stockerstrasse
Line 11 (direction Rehalp) - get out at Bürkliplatz
Line 13 (direction Albisgütli) - get out at Stockerstrasse
From Bürkliplatz, walk about 200 meters westbound (the lake will be on your left side; the Kongresshaus is the second block on the right). Or, from Stockerstrasse, walk a bit backwards (eastbound), then southbound about 300 meters (either through Beethovenstrasse or Claridenstrasse, the third block between these streets is the Kongresshaus).
From the city to the Irchel Campus
The following tram lines bring you close to the Irchel Campus in 10-15 minutes (click on the big tram symbols on the map to get more details):
Line 7 (direction Stettbach) - get out at Milchbuck
Line 9 (direction Hirzenbach) - get out at Universität Irchel
Line 10 (direction Oerlikon/Zürich Flughafen) - get out at Universität Irchel
Line 14 (direction Seebach) - get out at Milchbuck
From Universität Irchel, go up the stairs and take the footbridge. Turn left after the bridge. Pass by the first two buildings and then turn right into the campus plaza (about 300m in total).
From Milchbuck, take the footpath that goes slightly up the hill and a bit left (there will be signs directing to Universität Irchel). Walk through the park and pass by the pond, then ascend the large stairs. Continue straight into the campus plaza (about 500m in total).
One last note: We are looking forward to seeing you alive and healthy at ICSE 2012, so please watch out for trams when you cross tram rails :-). Trams have always the right of way, sometimes you do not hear them coming, and they can't brake fast.