Paper Features Per Track

Aim is to define a list of mandatory (M) and desirable (D) features for papers in each track.

  • Research:
    • (M) novel and significant research contributions; has to investigate and contribute to an unresolved research problem; investigate a research hypothesis. In some cases an implementation supports the investigation of the research problem, but it is a means to an end and not the key research contribution per se.
    • (M) rigorous and replicable evaluation methods
    • (D) links to data sets, source code, queries, live deployments, etc.
  • Resources:
    • (M) the paper presents a resource, developed for supporting scientific work
    • (M) Availability – the resource is highly available. The authors need to provide a link to the resource, clear license, citations associated with the resource
    • (M) Reusability – the authors need to address the ease for reuse, potential for extensibility and wider adoption, suitability for further domains and/or use cases
    • (M) Impact – how does the resource advance the state of the art and what is the community of (potential) users, identified by providing evidence of its existence
    • (M) Design & Technical quality – conformity to best practices, clear description of how to use the resource, compliance with existing standards and resources
    • (D) Links to source code (for artifacts based on a program code)
  • In-Use:
    • (M) the tool is used in practice by a user group is your main contribution
    • (M) the paper presents a concrete implementation (software tools, systems or architectures)
    • (M) the presented implementation makes use of semantic web technologies
    • (M) the implemented system must be used in practice by a user group
    • (M) the system is be evaluated, either qualitatively or quantitatively
    • (M) lessons learned and best practices from the use of semantic web technologies are presented
    • (D) the user base should be preferably outside the research group that built the system
    • (D) the advantages gained from using semantic web technologies instead of other competing technologies should be highlighted
  • Poster & Demo:
    • (M) emerging applications that are not yet deployed including early work not yet fully evaluated
    • (M) vision papers describing future applications
    • (D) early prototypes
  • Industry :
    • (M) the short abstract presents  an interesting industry application deployed in industrial settings
    • (M) the abstract provides a demonstration of a business value created by using semantic technologies
    • (M) focus is on real problems, lessons learned, results, experiences from small to large companies’ applications of semantic technologies
    • (D) measures of the impact e.g., domain expert validations, number of users, etc.