
The metadata of ISWC2019 have been published on scholarlydata and can downloaded at the following links:

Some examples of queries are the following:

1. This query returns all accepted papers in all tracks with their associated authors.

PREFIX conf: 
SELECT DISTINCT ?paper ?title ?person ?name
  ?paper a conf:InProceedings;
    conf:hasAuthorList ?authorList;
    conf:title ?title . 
  ?authorList conf:hasFirstItem ?item .
  ?item conf:next*/conf:hasContent ?person .

  ?person conf:name ?name
order by ?title

2. This query returns all the talks of the conference with their corresponding papers, start time, end time, room, sessions, and track.

PREFIX conf: 
SELECT DISTINCT ?talk ?paper ?talkTitle ?start ?end ?room ?session ?sessionTitle ?track ?trackTitle
  ?talk a conf:Talk ;
    conf:isSubEventOf ?session ;
    conf:isSubEventOf ?track ;
    rdfs:label ?talkTitle ;
    conf:startDate ?start ;
    conf:endDate ?end ;
    conf:isEventRelatedTo ?paper .
  ?session a conf:Session ; 
    rdfs:label ?sessionTitle ;
    conf:location ?room .
  ?track a conf:Track ;
    rdfs:label ?trackTitle
order by ?start ?end

3. This query returns all the people hoding a role (athor, PCM, organising committee member, etc) at the conference

PREFIX conf: 
SELECT DISTINCT ?agent ?agentName ?role ?roleLabel
  graph {
    ?rde a conf:RoleDuringEvent ;
      conf:isHeldBy ?agent ;
      conf:withRole ?role .
    ?agent rdfs:label ?agentName .
  ?role rdfs:label ?roleLabel

4. This query returns all the affiliations associated with people involved in the conference as authors, PMC, organisers, etc.

PREFIX conf: 
PREFIX c-res: 
SELECT DISTINCT ?agent ?agentName ?organisation ?organisationLabel
    ?ade a conf:AffiliationDuringEvent ;
      conf:during c-res:iswc2019 ;
      conf:isAffiliationOf ?agent ;
      conf:withOrganisation ?organisation .
    ?agent rdfs:label ?agentName .
    ?organisation rdfs:label ?organisationLabel

5. This query returns when coffee breaks and meals are held.

PREFIX conf: 
PREFIX c-res: 
SELECT DISTINCT ?event ?label ?start ?end
    ?event a ?eventType ; 
      conf:startDate ?start ;
      conf:endDate ?end ;
      rdfs:label ?label .
    FILTER(?eventType=conf:Break OR ?eventType=conf:Meal)