Call for Contributions - Minute Madness

Remote participation allowed: selected videos will be played during the session!

The Minute Madness is a tradition at the International Semantic Web Conference that started back in 2011. It has always been an entertaining session that provides conference participants with a quick and fun overview of the presented works at the conference.

This year’s ISWC will feature for the first time a stand-alone Minute Madness Call. This means, the session will be opened up to every conference attendee to submit a contribution to the Minute Madness call. Although we aim to accommodate as many talk proposals as possible, the submissions in the form of a 1-minute video (using strictly one slide) will be ranked by a Program Committee and the best 40 contributions will be selected. Accepted Posters and Demos, willing to advertise themselves before the dedicated session, will need to submit a Contribution to the Minute Madness call, but will be assessed separately from the other submissions.

The Minute Madness will be organized in two plenary sessions, both on the first day of the conference. The event’s goal is twofold, either to give an author of any contribution at the conference the opportunity to advertise their talk to a large audience and therefore ensure that all interested participants will visit their talk or booth (in case of Posters & Demos) or to give any other participant a chance to advertise any other relevant topic of interest (e.g., early research results, organization of working groups, open positions, cooperation opportunities, standardization activities, upcoming events, etc.) to the ISWC plenary.

The rules for submissions and for the Minute Madness are as follows:

  1. You have exactly one slide that will be shown for exactly one minute. The slide must not have any animation. Your video submissions will also be exactly one minute, but it can be a mobile recording of yourself speaking, dancing, singing or any other form of communication that conveys your message. However, any recording beyond the minute will not be assessed.
  2. During the session the slides will be advanced automatically. In between the 1-minute talks a transition slide will be shown for five seconds. This transition slide will be generated by us and it will contain the title of the next 1-minute talk.
  3. Given the limited time, it is highly advisable to avoid trying to present technical details of your work. Instead, you should provide the audience with a very high-level idea, ideally, presented in a catchy, entertaining manner.

To participate in the Minute of Madness submit your draft slide and a 1-minute video through this form no later than October 26 (23:59 Hawaii time). Your submission includes:

  1. your name and affiliation — i.e., the person who presents the talk;
  2. a title for your talk — if your talk is an advertisement for your demo or your poster, the title must be the title of the poster/demo and its submission number;
  3. a single slide — i.e., what you intend to show during your minute; the slide must not include animations and should be in a standard 4:3 format that is suitable for presenting on a projector with a resolution of 1024×768. Please ensure that your slide looks good in this format;
  4. a 1-minute video (can be a screencast or recorded with your camera/phone) in which you pitch your contribution.

Please, remember that the minute madness is about combining science with entertainment, so be prepared to captivate the audience, no boring talks allowed!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask the Chairs at

Minute Madness Chairs