
Papers | Tutorials | Workshops | Panels | Doctoral Symposium | Posters and Demos

Paper Submissions

All submissions must be made electronically through the RE'06 electronic paper submission site. Authors without web access must make advance arrangements with the Program Chair at least one week before the deadline.

Full papers must be submitted by February 13, 2006. Please note that this is a hard deadline.

Submission of paper abstracts

In order to organize and initialize the reviewing process, all authors who intend to submit a paper must submit the title, abstract and author information of their paper by February 6, 2006.

Please note that only full paper submissions will be reviewed. Abstract-only submissions will be discarded without further notice after February 13.

For the complete list of deadlines, see the list of important dates.

Topics and paper categories

See the Call for Papers and Proposals.

Formatting instructions

All submissions must be formatted according to the IEEE CS proceedings format (8.5" x 11" two-column format). Templates and instructions can be downloaded from the IEEE CS web site. Click here for a pdf-Version of the instructions.

Size of submissions

Papers (properly formatted in IEEE CS proceedings format) must not exceed the following size limits. These limits will be strictly enforced.
- Technical solution papers: 10 pages
- Scientific evaluation papers: 10 pages
- Industrial practice and experience papers: 6 pages
- Vision papers: 6 pages.

Where to submit

Proceed to the RE'06 electronic paper submission site.

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Tutorial Submissions

Submit your proposal in a single document in ASCII or PDF format by e-mail to

For instructions about the contents and format of a proposal see the Call for Tutorial Proposals. The submission deadline is March 6, 2006.

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Workshop Submissions

Submit your proposal by e-mail in PDF format) to Mikio Aoyama <>, the RE'06 Workshops Chair .

For instructions about the contents and format of a proposal see the Call for Workshop Proposals. The submission deadline is March 6, 2006.

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Panel Submissions

Submit your proposal (max. 3 pages) in PDF format by e-mail to the Program Chair.

For instructions about the contents and format of a proposal see the Call for Panel Proposals. The submission deadline is March 6, 2006.

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Doctoral Symposium Submissions

The detailed call for submissions is here.

Submission format and rules

Your paper must be formatted according to the 8.5x11 inch IEEE CS proceedings format. For downloading instructions and templates, go to the Author Forms web page of the IEEE Computer Society. The length of the paper (in this format) must be between 1 1/2 and 4 pages. The paper must be submitted as a single PDF-file, with all fonts included and with the last name of the author as its name (e.g., smith.pdf).

All submitted materials must be in English. Your submission should not contain any proprietary or confidential material and should not cite proprietary or confidential publications. Submissions that do not comply with the instructions given in this call for submissions will not be considered.

How to submit

Prepare an e-mail providing the following information (in ASCII):

Your name, affiliation and full contact information (e-mail, phone, fax, postal address),

The name, affiliation and full contact information of your advisor,

A brief description of your research topic (25 words or less).

Attach your paper to this e-mail and send it to the RE06 Doctoral Symposium Chair at Please make sure that your advisor submits the letter of recommendation for you. All email messages should include a subject line containing "RE 06 DS".

The submission deadline is May 2, 2006.

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Poster and Research Demonstration Submissions

Poster authors are invited to submit original proposals describing the work and the results that have not been submitted for review or published elsewhere. Research Demonstration proposals should describe tools, techniques or methods of Requirements engineering, including references, contributions, and how the work relates to other industrial or research effort.
The detailed Call for Posters and Research Demonstrations is here:
  html    pdf
We request to submit both an extend abstract and a poster. They should be in English and submitted in PDF format.

The extended abstracts must be formatted according to the 8.5x11 inch IEEE CS proceedings format. For downloading instructions and templates, go to the Author Forms web page of the IEEE Computer Society. Submissions must not exceed 2 pages.

The poster is a one page document. It is submitted in A4 format, but will be presented at the conference in A0 format. Guidelines are provided below on how to make "good" posters. Note that we do not enforce the poster template.

Click here to download poster guideline (PDF)


Submissions of both posters and research demonstrations should be sent by e-mail to Alain Wegmann, the RE'06 Posters and Demos Chair, at alain.wegmann (at)
The submission deadline is May 2, 2006.

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