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Call for Tutorial Proposals

RE'06 is seeking proposals for full-day (6-hour) and half-day (3-hour) tutorials to be offered in conjunction with the conference. The tutorial program provides conference participants with the opportunity to explore requirements engineering topics in depth; to gain new insights, knowledge, and skills; and to learn from some of the leaders in the field. A tutorial is a particularly effective mechanism for technology transfer and we encourage proposals for tutorials targeted to practitioners seeking to improve their requirements engineering abilities. RE'06 encourages proposals for tutorials that have the potential to actively engage the participants through problem-solving group exercises or other creative alternatives to traditional lecture-only tutorials.

Tutorial proposals will be evaluated on the basis of anticipated interest and benefit to RE '06 participants. Tutorials may cover any topic of significant interest to participants including:

Promising research results in greater depth than can be presented in a paper session,

Methods that are ready to transition to practical application,

Methods that have been used in practice and experience reports that can be applied immediately.

Tutorial proposals should be written in English and must include:

Topic (title)


Intended audience

Instructor name(s)

Brief biographical sketch(es)

Proposed length (half day or full day)

A sample of presentation material (e.g., slides) is strongly encouraged as a supplement to the proposal, but the size of this supplement must not exceed five printed pages.

Please indicate whether the proposed tutorial has been given previously, and if so, include where, when, and the approximate audience size and background of previous participants.

How to submit

Proposals of 2-3 pages (not including the sample slides) can be submitted electronically in ASCII or PDF format to the RE '06 Tutorials Co-Chairs, Nancy Day and , at re06-tutorial@cs.uwaterloo.ca. Please submit the entire proposal as a single document in ASCII or PDF format.

Submission deadlines

Proposal submissions: 6 March 2006
Notification of acceptance or rejection: 24 April 2006

For the complete list of deadlines, see the list of important dates.