
Submissions of papers and other items to RE'06 is closed. For submissions to RE'06 workshops, see the websites of the respective workshops. The original submission page has been moved here.

Re-Submission of revised, conditionally accepted papers


Format your revised paper according to the instructions given in the author kit and generate a pdf file.


Rename this pdf file to "<number>_rev.pdf", for example: 2_rev.pdf. You find the number of your paper in the header of the notification message.


Upload your file here.

The submission deadlines are:
May 12   for short papers,
May 16   for conditionally accepted full papers.

Submission of camera-ready contributions

Papers | Other contributions

Accepted papers (full papers and short papers)


Follow the instructions given in the author kit for formatting your paper, generating a pdf file and sending the copyright release form.


If you are using Acrobat Distiller or another PDF writer, check your pdf file for compliance with IEEE requirements using the PDF eXpress utility in the author kit.


Submit through CyberChair:

Go to the CyberChair RE'06 submission site

Log in using the user name and password you have received in our acceptance notification message (see item 6 of the instructions in the notification message).

Follow the upload instructions given by CyberChair.

No renaming of your pdf file is required.


Fill-out, sign and send the IEEE copyright release form (Step 5 in the author kit)

The submission deadline is June 16, 2006 23:59 (Apia, Samoa time).
By this date, at least one of the authors of the paper also must have registered for the conference.

All other accepted contributions


Follow the instructions given in the author kit for formatting your paper, generating a pdf file and sending the copyright release form.


If you are using Acrobat Distiller or another PDF writer, check your pdf file for compliance with IEEE requirements using the PDF eXpress utility in the author kit.


Rename your pdf file to "<type>_<lastname>_<firstname>.pdf",
<type> is the submission type:
- Doctoral Symposium: DS
- Panels: PA
- Invited talks: IT
- Posters: PO
- Research Demonstrations: RD
- Other contributions: OC

Examples: DS_smith_john.pdf.    PO_higgs_jane.pdf


Upload your file here.


Fill-out, sign and send the IEEE copyright release form (Step 5 in the author kit)

The submission deadline is June 16, 2006 23:59 (Apia, Samoa time).
When submitting a poster or research demonstration contribution, at least one of the authors must have registered for the conference by this deadline.

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