Dr. Inform.
Research Associate
Educational Engineering Lab
Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Binzmühlestrasse 14
CH - 8050 Zurich
Location: BIN 2.B.08
Phone: +41 - (0)44 635 67 38
Fax: +41 - (0)44 635 68 09
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Research Interests
Ongoing research:
In-Game Analysis of player characteristics.
Development of a strategy and simulation game "Hortus". It is a game about horticulture that teaches basics in biology.
General interests:
Adaptation in educational games.
In-game assessment of learning.
Experimental design of games for learning.
Open Projects
There are several open projects regarding the online game Hortus.
Hortus is a strategy and simulation game. The player takes over the role of an herbalist in order to heal sick people from the village. For healing these people, players have to plant and cultivate a herbal garden with very special herbs that also interact with each other. For research, player characteristics are of special interest.
Open projects are:
- Redesign of the game Hortus
Requirements: Strong interest in game design, knowledge of Flash Actionscript. - Improving data storage in db and communication between game and db
Requirements: Basic knowledge of db architecture, experience with MySQL and PHP. (Knowledge in Flash Actionscript is a plus.)
Curriculum Vitae
2006 - 2009 | Visiting Scholar of the GLS program (Games & Learning & Society) - Director is Kurt Squire. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA |
2005 - 2009 | Doctorand and Research Assistant at the Department of Informatics, University of Zurich |
2005 | Master of Computer Science With concentration in Information Systems / Business Informatics. Majors in Multimedia, HCI, and Collaborative Technologies |
1998 - 2005 | Study of Business Informatics at the University of Zurich |
1996 - 1998 | Study of Computer Science at the ETH Zurich |
1996 | Final secondary examinations (high school/College) in modern languages in Zurich |
Travel / Study abroad
2003 (Jan. - June) | Study abroad (Erasmus program) in Informatics at the University of Lund, Sweden |
1996 (May - June) | Travelling in Cuba |
Memberships and Grants
Fellowship for Prospective Researchers from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), (2006 - 2008) .
Member of the IFIP TC3 Working-Group 3.3 "Research on Education Applications of Information Technologies" (since 2006) .
Member of the group "Frauen-in-der-Wissenschaft-und-Forschung-2006" (since 2006).