Psychologist, Dr. phil.
Educational Engineering Lab
Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Binzmühlestrasse 14
CH - 8050 Zurich
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Research Interests
- Collaborative virtual environments
- Innovative online assessment methods
- Computer animation and serious games
- The ShanghAI Lectures : An experiment on global teaching and intercultural collaboration
- RPcompass : "Role-play based competence assessment" (Dissertation project)
- Askito : Online survey tool
- MESOSworld : Swiss Virtual Campus project "Methodological Education for the Social Sciences"
- signifikant3 : eAssessment tool for statistics
- realSTAT : Problem-based learning tool for statistics
Hasler, B. S., & Meier, B. (submitted). Exploring the overconfidence hypothesis in instructional computer animation: Differential impact of control mode in children and adults.
Schmeil, A., Steinbusch, M., Jost, A., Henn, M., Jacobi, M., Schwitalla, M., & Hasler, B. (accepted). A Refined Workflow for Designing Virtual Worlds for Collaborative Learning. To appear in Proceedings of VS Games 2010, Braga, Portugal.
Ratan, R. A. & Hasler, B. (in press). Self-Presence Standardized: Introducing the Self-Presence Questionnaire (SPQ). Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence. Los Angeles, USA.
Hasler, B. S., Pfeifer, R., Zbinden, A., Wyss, P., Zaugg, S., Diehl, R., & Joho, B. (2009). 'Annotated Lectures': Student-instructor interaction in large-scale global education. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 7(5). Available online http://www.iiisci.org/Journal/sci/
Hasler, B. S., Buecheler, T., & Pfeifer, R. (2009). Collaborative work in 3D virtual environments: A research agenda and operational framework. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009.
Hasler, B. S., Pfeifer, R., Zbinden, A., Wyss, P., Zaugg, S., Diehl, R., & Joho, B. (2009). Annotated Lectures: Student-instructor interaction in large-scale global education. In Proceedings of the 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL, USA, July 10-13, 2009.
Hasler, B. S. (2009). Virtual assessment center. A media comparison study on the diagnostic value of online role-play for social competence assessment. Marburg, Germany: Tectum. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Zurich]
Hasler, B. S., Kersten, B., & Sweller, J. (2007). Learner control, cognitive load and instructional animation. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 21, 713-729.
Hirsig, R., Aeppli, J., Rothenfluh, T., & Hasler, B. (2005). Lehren aus einem Fallbeispiel. In D. Miller, E-Learning. Eine multiperspektivische Standortbestimmung. p. 272-279. Bern: Haupt.
Hasler, B. S., Buecheler, T., & Pfeifer, R. (2009). Collaborative work in 3D virtual environments: A research agenda and operational framework. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009.
Hasler, B. S. (2009). Mixed-reality global teaching and student collaboration. Keynote at the 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL, USA, July 12, 2009.
Hasler, B. S., Pfeifer, R., Zbinden, A., Wyss, P., Zaugg, S., Diehl, R., & Joho, B. (2009). 'Annotated Lectures': Student-instructor interaction in large-scale global education. Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Academic Globalization, Orlando, FL, USA, July 10-13, 2009.
Hasler, B. S., Guerra, V., Labhart, N., Zbinden, A., & Pfeifer, R. (2009). 'The ShanghAI Lectures': Using virtual worlds for intercultural student collaboration. Demonstration at the ACM Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Feb 20-21, 2009.
Hasler, B. S. (2008). Gendered avatars: When gender judgments influence performance ratings. Paper presented at the International Conference on Reality Shift in Media "When Media Environments Become Real", University of Bern, Switzerland, Feb 4-6, 2008.
Hasler, B. S., Hirsig, R., Aeppli, J., Sterzinger, I., & Rusch, P. (2007). realSTAT: A problem-based learning tool. Poster presented at the 10th Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychology, Zurich, Switzerland, Sept 13-14, 2007.
Hasler, B. S., & Meier, B. (2007). Learner control and learners' confidence in instructional animation: Exploring the "false confidence" hypothesis. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Budapest, Hungary, Aug 28 - Sept 1, 2007.
Hasler, B. S., Kersten, B., & Sweller, J. (2006). User control as an instructional method to reduce learners' cognitive load in transient animation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, USA April 6-11, 2006.
Curriculum Vitae
2009-today | Post-doctoral research fellow at the Advanced Virtuality Lab of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel |
2005-2009 | Doctoral student at the Psychological Methods Group and the Educational Engineering Lab of the University of Zurich |
2005 | Master in Psychology (majors: Media Psychology and Cognitive Psychology; minors: Quantitative Methods and Informatics) from the University of Bern |
2003-2004 | Post-graduate study (Master Thesis) at the School of Education of the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia |