Research Assistant
Educational Engineering Lab
Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Binzmühlestrasse 14
CH - 8050 Zurich
Location: BIN 2.B.12
Phone: +41 - (0)44 635 71 35
Fax: +41 - (0)44 635 68 09
Sprechstunde: NEU!! mittwochs von 13-14 Uhr
Studies & Research Interests
I was born and raised in Berlin, Germany. In 2000 I started my studies of psychology at the University of Kiel, Germany. In 2001 I moved to Potsdam, Germany, where I continued studying psychology and where I was working in several research projects focusing on educational psychology, motivational psychology, organizational psychology and psychological assessment. In the main study period I especially deepened the last two of these topics. Besides my current research, I am working on several projects concerning assessment issues, as for example the development and evaluation of psychological tests. I have also been working in the field of personnel selection and personnel development for a couple of years. In doing so my interest in the development and application of assessment methods just like assessment centers and interviews grew permanently. After finishing my diploma thesis ("Development, Application and Evaluation of a Goal Attainment Intervention") and passing my final diploma examinations in summer 2006 I became member of the project management research group of Prof. Helmut Schauer at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. My research interests focus on the assessment of (project) management competencies as well as on the development and evaluation of management didactics.
Besides the research for my doctoral study (see "MD-Pro²"↓ for more information) I am strongly interested in issues concerning organizational, personnel and working psychology. I want to learn more about the psychological aspects of management and leadership as well as business start-ups.
Please do not hesitate to contact me in case you are either interested in detail information about my projects or in participating in these studies!
In the „MD-Pro²“ project I am developing a (multi-source) online feedback assessment for professional project managers. The project’s main goal is an assessment method that is used for evaluating social aspects of cooperation parallelly or retrospectively. Its special focus lies on project managers’ social and method skills. Download the project brochure here.
The MD-Pro² assessment can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses of the projects’ managers as well as for coaching purposes in order to learn about social and methodical skills for further project work. By means of the project managers’ profiles, individual training advice can be given.
This project is run collaboratively with Prof. Ulf Kieschke, University of Potsdam (Germany). Its psychometric studies will result in my PhD thesis.
In the "PROMAC" project I have been working on assessment methods to evaluate the effectiveness of a project management course for students and professionals. Besides the examination of project management knowledge, this also includes the application of an assessment center to check the development of some typical project management skills over the course period.
The Project Management Assessment Center (PROMAC) allows participants to lead simulated projects and to manage typical challenges of professional project managers within a one-day assessment. Besides written tests on planning skills and (procedural) knowledge concerning important management issues (e.g. project schedule, delegation, risk analysis, decision making, reports, problem solving, communication etc.), participants are tested in simulated interactions with clients and subordinates.
The results of both of these research projects are meant to be used for the optimization of the course didactics as well as for the implementation and validation of e-assessment methods that are being developed each by Béatrice Hasler ("RPcompass") as well as by Tsuyoshi Ito and Robert Stoyan ("PM-Game").
Students' Supervision
Please find here the latest call for a Bachelor, or Diploma Thesis under my supervision! You may also contact me for Short term, Semester, Bachelor, or Diploma Thesis’ concerning scientific project management, competencies' assessment or topics of your choice that seem to be interesting.
This is a selection of semester, diploma, and other theses under my supervision:
Signer, D. (2008). Softskills von IT-Projektleitern. IT Project Managers' Soft Skills.
Estermann, R. (2008). Diagnostik und Beratung von Projektmanagern - Implementierung und Validierung eines diagnostischen Verfahrens zur Beurteilung der Leistungen professioneller Projektmanager. Assessing and Coaching Project Managers - Implementing and Validating a Diagnostic Measure to Assess Project Managers' Performances.
Müller, S. (2008). Kompetenzentwicklungspotenzial populärer Computerspiele. How Popular Computer Games Support the Player's Competency Development.
Uglioni, G. (2007). Wo ist er, der kompetente und erfolgreiche Projektmanager? - Implementierung und Validierung eines diagnostischen Verfahrens zur Beurteilung der Leistungen professioneller Projektmanager. Searching for Competent and Successful Project Managers - Implementing and Validating a Diagnostic Measure to Assess Project Managers' Performances.
Matter, I. (2007). Akzeptanz von E-Learning in der Finanzbranche. Evaluating the Acceptance of E-Learning in the Financial Business.
Talks & Presentations
Ebert, J. (2008). Assessment Center Method to Evaluate Practice-Related University Courses. ENAC, August 27-29. Potsdam (GER).
Guerra, V. & Ebert, J. (2008). Developing Social Competencies in Educational Contexts. Earli SIG on Social Interaction, Learning and Diversity, May 19-20. Göteborg (SWE).
Ebert, J. (2007). eSOKO – Computerunterstütztes Training sozialer Kompetenzen. Ringvorlesung im Rahmen der Reihe “Informatik macht Schule”. eSOKO - Computer Supported Training of Social Competencies. ETH Zürich / Universität Zürich (CH).
Schauer, H. & Ebert, J. (2007). eSOKO – Computerunterstütztes Training sozialer Kompetenzen. eSOKO - Computer Supported Training of Social Competencies. Symposium on the Development of Social Competencies, “Education Highway”, Linz (AU).
Ebert, J. (2004). UPnostik – das fakultätsspezifische Potenzial-AC für Hochschulabsolventen mit dem Ziel der Existenzgründung. UPnostik - Assessing Academics' Start-Up Potentials via Faculty-Specific Assessment Center. Existenzgründertagung. Fachhochschule Frankfurt/M. (GER).
Ebert, J. & Kieschke, U. (in preparation). Evaluating PM Education: "PM for all™" - First Results of a Study on Competency Development.
Ebert, J. (2008). Assessment Center Method to Evaluate Practice-Related University Courses - Challenges & Chances. Details of the presentation at ENAC, August 27-29. Potsdam (GER).
Ebert, J. (2008). Assessment Center Method to Evaluate Practice-Related University Courses. In: M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen & O. Koeller. (2008). Book of Abstracts of the 4th Biennial EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference (ENAC), August 27-29. Potsdam (GER).
Ebert, J. (2008). PROMAC - Projektmanagement Assessment Center - Forschungsbericht zur Evaluation der Lehrveranstaltung "IT-Projektmanagement" an der Universität Zürich. PROMAC - Project Management Assessment Center - Research Report on a Project to Evaluate the Course "IT Project Management" at the University of Zurich.
Ebert, J. (2008). PROMAC - Projektmanagement Assessment Center - Verfahrensmanual. PROMAC - Project Management Assessment Center - Test Manual.
Kieschke, U., Schaarschmidt, U., Burian, S. & Ebert, J. (2005). Über die Erfassung gründungsrelevanter Persönlichkeitsmerkmale im Selbst- und Fremdurteil. Ein Baustein zur Teamdiagnostik. Research Report on Self and Peer Assessment of Personality Characteristics in Relation with Start-Up Activities. Forschungsbericht. Institut für Psychologie, Universität Potsdam.
Favourite Links
Consecutively you find a selection of links that I consider either helpful or entertaining.
- Searching for a state of the art interaction design? Try Phil Fonberg's website!
- PSYCONDIA is offering assessment, consulting, and coaching services for companies and individuals!
- trialox ag creates innovative semantic web architecture
- Need an inspiration to study psychology? Here you are.
- Randy Pausch's last lecture. Just impressive!
- Eintracht Frankfurt e.V.