Educational Engineering Lab
Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Binzmühlestrasse 14
8050 Zurich
Location: BIN 2.B.06
Tel: +41-44 - 635 4340
Fax: +41-44 - 635 6809
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Prof. Schauer retired in February 2009. He was the head of the Educational Engineering Lab and gives courses on Java Programming, Algorithms and Datastructures, Software Engineering and Programming Methodology.
Research Interests
Prof. Schauer's research interests include Web-based and Game-based Learning, Assessments beyond Multiple Choice, Collaborative Learning Environments, Object Oriented Programming in Java and Visualization of Algorithms and Datastructures.
During the last two decades he has contributed to numerous discussions on curriculum issues at various levels of education. His special interest focuses on curriculum and didactic of informatics in secondary school levels.
Activities outside the EELab
Prof. Schauer gives lectures at the Technical University of Vienna (Austria) and he has been appointed as visiting professor at the Donau University Krems (Austria). He currently is member of the advisory board of education highway.
As a member of the board of ECDL-SI Prof. Schauer supports the propagation of the European Computer Driving License (ECDL) in Switzerland.
Dr. Schauer is currently Austrian Representative to IFIP's Technical Committee on Education(TC3) and member of the following IFIP-Working Groups:
WG 3.1 "Informatics Education at the Secondary Education Level"
WG 3.2 "Informatics Education at the University Level"
WG 3.4 "Vocational Education and Training"
WG 13.1 "Education in HCI and HCI Curricula"
He is editor of "Springers Angewandte Informatik", coeditor of the journal "Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung", member of the scientific advisory board of the journal "Log IN Informatische Bildung und Computer in der Schule", member of the Editorial Board of the journal "EIT Education and Information Technologies" and member of the editorial board of the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE).
Curriculum Vitae
Helmut Schauer finished his education as an Electronic Engineer in 1968 and made his PhD on Informatics in 1972 both at the Technical University of Vienna. He was employed as Assistant at this University from 1968 to 1984 and gave various lectures on Programming. In 1984 he became head of the department on "Commercial Data Processing" and in 1985 he was elected as extraordinary Professor in this institution. In 1988 Dr. Helmut Schauer moved from the Technical University of Vienna, Austria to the University of Zürich, Switzerland.
He has written a number of textbooks on Programming and Programming Languages and is editor of a series in Applied Informatics.