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Donnerstag 7.3.2002
09.00 |
Dr. Mario Winter, FernUniversität Hagen,
Besonders im Bankbereich
können nach der Auslieferung entdeckte Software-Fehler
sehr hohe Folge- und Behebungskosten verursachen. Einerseits
reicht das Spektrum ihrer Auswirkungen von simplen
Druckfehlern über zu Fehlentscheidungen führenden
Berechnungsfehlern bis ggf. hin zu fehlerhaften
Transaktionen über hohe Geldbeträge. Andererseits
lassen sie sich nachträglich oft relativ einfach
nachweisen. Der Software- Ersteller kann somit -
zusätzlich zum Image-Verlust - bis hin in die
rechtliche Verantwortung genommen werden. Folgende Punkte werden behandelt:
Referent Dr. Mario Winter ist seit 1994 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Lehrbeauftragter für das Thema "Entwurf und Test objektorientierter Software" an der FernUniversität - Gesamthochschule in Hagen. In seinem Spezialgebiet "Software-Qualitätssicherung - Test objektorientierter Software" verfügt Dr. Winter über langjährige industrielle und universitäre Projekt- und Schulungserfahrung und ist Autor zahlreicher Veröffentlichungen auf diesem Gebiet. Das Thema seiner Dissertation ist "Qualitätssicherung für objektorientierte Software: Anforderungsermittlung und Test gegen die Anforderungsspezifikation". Zur Zeit arbeitet er zusammen mit Harry M. Sneed an dem für Ende 2001 angekündigten Buch "Testen objektorientierter Software - Das Praxishandbuch für den Test objektorientierter Client/Server-Systeme". Mario Winter ist Sprecher des Arbeitskreises "Testen objektorientierter Programme" (TOOP) in der GI-Fachgruppe "Testen, Analysieren und Verifizieren von Software" (TAV). |
10.30 |
Kaffeepause |
12.30 |
Mittagessen |
14.00 |
Tim Koomen, IQUIP, Niederlande
This tutorial deals with the TPI-model, which is based on current state-of-the-art test process improvement practices. The model gives practical guidelines for assessing the maturity level of testing in an organisation and for step by step improvement of the process. Since the appearance of the book "Test Process Improvement: a practical step-by-step guide to structured testing" (by Tim Koomen and Martin Pol) in May ´99, the model has rapidly become an international standard for improving test processes, used in numerous countries like the United States, most European Community countries, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Columbia, China and India. Besides the English version, also Dutch and German book translations are available. The model is frequently used to help an organisation meet the test requirements at CMM level 3. Also included in the tutorial is a general description of the application of model, which deals with how to implement and how to consolidate the improvements. The agenda for the tutorial contains 3 main subjects. After a short introduction, the attendees will learn about The Context of testing in the real world and software and test process improvement: why testing, the challenges for testing, need of improvement, need of a dedicated test improvement model, other available models like CMM, the model requirements, etc. The second part of the tutorial is about the Test Process Improvement Model. The model consists of 20 key areas, each with different levels of maturity. The levels of all key areas are set out in a maturity matrix. Each level is described by several checkpoints. Improvement suggestions, which help to reach a desired level, are part of the model. The model will be explained at a global level. To be successful with any improvement activity an adequate Management of Change approach is required. The third part of the tutorial is about The Application of the Model. The main steps of changing will be taught: how to create awareness, establish goals and scope for change, the assessment process, selection and planning of improvement actions, implementation and evaluation. Books: Martin Pol, Tim Koomen und Andreas Spillner: "Management und Optimierung des Testprozesses" Dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg 2000. Website: www.iquip.nl/tpi (Dutch, English and German) Some references: ABN-AMRO bank, Banamex (Mexican bank), Barclays bank, Citibank Belgium, Compaq, Dell, Deutsche Telekom, Dresdner bank, Ericsson, ING, Intel, Lucent, Nokia, Novell, Oracle, Philips
Speaker Tim Koomen graduated in
1986 in Informatica at the University of Amsterdam. Since
1992 he has been a professional tester and has performed
most testing functions since then. He participated in
several testing projects for clients of IQUIP Informatica in
the Netherlands, a company with over 300 dedicated testers
and owner of the structured testing approach TMap. Tim is a
member of the R&D-team, covering issues like testing
Component Based Development, testing E-business and Test
Process Improvement. He is the co-author of the TPI-book,
translated in Dutch, English and German, and frequently
presents at conferences (Quality Week Europe'99, SQE
Congress 2000, Quality Week 2000, Eurostar'97-'00, ICSTest
'00+'01) and training sessions throughout Europe and the
United States. |
15.30 |
Kaffeepause |
17.30 |
Ende der Tutorien |