geGIS::ReferenceSystem Class Reference

#include <ReferenceSystem.h>

Inheritance diagram for geGIS::ReferenceSystem:
geGIS::LineFeatureObject geGIS::FeatureObject ge::DrawableComponent ge::GlobeComponent

Public Member Functions

 ReferenceSystem ()
 ~ReferenceSystem ()
void clear ()
void createWithFile (ReferenceSystemInfo _info, std::string _url)
void loadData (std::string filename, double _rescaleTo)
void setScaleToLocaleLongCoordinates (double _input)
double getScaleToLocaleLongCoordinates () const
void setScaleToLocaleLatCoordinates (double _input)
double getScaleToLocaleLatCoordinates () const
const double * getRefSystemBounds () const
vmml::Vector4d getSystemBounds () const
std::string getProfileName () const
void setFullExtent ()
const vmml::Vector2d & getFullExtent () const
short getOptimalTileStructure () const
vmml::Vector2d getLocalFromWGS84 (double _long, double _lat) const
vmml::Vector2d getLocalFromWGS84 (const vmml::Vector2d &_point) const
double * convertWGS84toLocalCoordinates (const double *_data, int _pointCount)
double * convertLocalToWGS84Coordinates (const double *_data, int _pointCount)
void setReferenceSystemInfoInShader (std::shared_ptr< ge::Shader > _shader)
- Public Member Functions inherited from geGIS::LineFeatureObject
 LineFeatureObject ()
 ~LineFeatureObject ()
void create (std::shared_ptr< ge::Shader > _shader, std::string _name, vmml::Vector3f _color)
void create (std::shared_ptr< ge::Shader > _shader, std::string _name, const GLuint _uid, const GLuint _guid, vmml::Vector3f _color, vmml::Vector3d _position, vmml::Vector3d _scale, vmml::Vector3d _rotations)
void recreateMultiLineObject (std::string _name)
virtual void update () override
virtual void draw (std::shared_ptr< ge::Camera > _cam) override
virtual void createVAO (enum geData::MultiLineObject::GEOMETRYMODE _in)
void load2DLines (geGIS::FeatureRange _range)
void load3DLines (geGIS::FeatureRange _range)
void load2DPolygonsWithLimitedLines (geGIS::FeatureRange _entityRange, geGIS::FeatureRange _lineRange)
void setExtrusionXZ (double _input)
void setExtrusionY (double _input)
void setLineThickness (float _input)
float getLineThickness () const
enum GEOMETRYDRAWMODE getDrawMode () const
int getGraphPointCount () const
void addPolyline (std::shared_ptr< geData::PolyLine > _polyline)
const std::shared_ptr< geData::PolyLinegetEntity (int _idx) const
virtual void performAnimationStep ()
vmml::Vector4d expandBoundWith2DPoint (ge::Vertex2d _point, vmml::Vector4d _bound)
ge::Vertex4d expandBound (ge::Vertex4d _point, ge::Vertex4d _bound)
ge::Vertex4d expandBoundWithRadius (ge::Vertex4d _point, ge::Vertex4d _bound, double _radius)
void resetColor ()
void setColor (vmml::Vector3f _color) override
void setUID (GLuint _input) override
void setGroupID (GLuint _input) override
void setScale (vmml::Vector3d _scale) override
void setPosition (vmml::Vector3d _position) override
void setRotation (vmml::Vector3d _rotations) override
void setColorPerVertex (unsigned int _in) override
void createGPUFeatureBufferAsMortonCurve ()
GLuint getGPUFeatureBufferHandle (GLuint _layer)
unsigned int getGPUFeatureMaxDepth ()
void loadAttributeGPUBuffer (int _bufferLayerID, std::shared_ptr< StyleCollection > _styling, bool _spaceFillingCurve)
std::vector< size_t > loadMortonOrderForGPUBuffer (const std::vector< ge::Vertex2d > &_linesegmentList, ge::AABB3f _AABB)
void copyLineSegmentToGPUBuffer (int _bufferLayerID, bool _spaceFillingCurve)
void copyBoundsArrayToGPUBuffer (int _bufferLayerID)
void createLineSegmentListForGPUBuffer ()
void createMortonLineSegmentBounds ()
vmml::Vector4d getBounds2DWithLineWidth ()
void createGPUFeatureBufferForClusteredShading (vmml::Vector2ui _clusterCount, double _linewidth, std::shared_ptr< StyleCollection > _styling)
void createClusteredMortonLineSegmentBounds ()
vmml::Vector2f getClusterSize ()
const ClusterGridTexturesgetClusterHandles ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from geGIS::FeatureObject
 FeatureObject ()
virtual ~FeatureObject ()
vmml::Vector4d getBounds2D () const
vmml::Vector3d getMinBounds () const
vmml::Vector3d getMaxBounds () const
vmml::Vector3d getEdgeLength () const
int getShapeType () const
enum GEOMETRYDRAWMODE getDrawMode () const
int getEntityCount () const
int getEdgeCount () const
int getLocationPointCount () const
void exportToSHPFile (std::string _path, enum shpio::SHPFileExportContainer::EXPORT_TYPE _type, shpio::SHPFileExportContainer *_content)
void exportToCSVFile (std::string _path, enum shpio::SHPFileExportContainer::EXPORT_TYPE _type, shpio::SHPFileExportContainer *_content)
void loadDatabaseFields ()
enum FEATUREFORMAT getFormatFromString (std::string _input)
std::string getStringForFormat (enum FEATUREFORMAT _input)
enum FEATUREFORMAT checkForFileWithStandardExtension (std::string _input)
char getFieldType (int _fieldnumber)
std::vector< std::string > getFieldNames ()
intreadIntegerFieldFromDBFtoArray (int _fieldnumber)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > readStringField (int _fieldnumber)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > readNumericField (int _fieldnumber)
float getWheightMax () const
float getWheightMin () const
void saveFeature (std::string _path, std::string _ext)
const tileService::TileFeatureService * getTFSInfo ()
vmml::Vector3d getMidpointOfBounds ()
vmml::Vector2d getMidpointOfBoundsProj2D ()
void setTextColor (vmml::Vector3f _textcolor)
vmml::Vector3f getTextColor () const
std::shared_ptr< StyleCollectiongetStyleCollection () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ge::DrawableComponent
 DrawableComponent ()
 ~DrawableComponent ()
 DrawableComponent (const DrawableComponent &_in)=delete
DrawableComponentoperator= (const DrawableComponent &_in)=delete
virtual void draw (std::shared_ptr< ge::Camera > _cam)
vmml::Vector3d getPosition () const
vmml::Vector3d getScale () const
vmml::Vector3d getRotation () const
void setBoundingSphere (BoundingSphere _boundingSphere)
void setBoundingBox (BoundingBox3d _boundingBox)
const BoundingSpheregetBoundingSphere () const
const BoundingBox3dgetBoundingBox () const
bool isVisible () const
virtual void isVisible (bool _input)
bool isGeometryReady () const
virtual void isGeometryReady (bool _input)
const vmml::Vector3f getColor () const
unsigned int getColorPerVertex () const
void setTextured (bool _in)
bool isTextured ()
void setTextureHandle (GLuint _handle)
GLuint getTextureHandle () const
void setNormalTextureHandle (GLuint _handle)
GLuint getNormalTextureHandle () const
void setNormalMapped (bool _in)
bool isNormalMapped ()
virtual void setShader (std::shared_ptr< ge::Shader > _shader)
void setStandardUniforms ()
const std::shared_ptr< ge::ShadergetShader () const
void recompileShader ()
void setNormalMatrix ()
void setModelMatrices ()
vmml::Matrix4d getModelMatrix () const
vmml::Matrix4d getInverseModelMatrix () const
void setViewProjMatrices (const std::shared_ptr< ge::Camera > _cam)
void setMVPMatrix (const std::shared_ptr< ge::Camera > _cam)
virtual void enableOcclusionQueries (bool _in)
void beginOcclusionQuery (RENDERSTATE _state)
void endOcclusionQuery (RENDERSTATE _state)
GLuint getQueryResult ()
void enablePointSprites ()
void disablePointSprites ()
void fillIndexBufferWithLinearValues ()
void enableVertexAttributes (int vaaSize=2)
void disableVertexAttributes (int vaaSize=2)
void setNumberOfVertexAttributes (unsigned int _in)
void generateVertexHandlesFromShader (int _bufferCount=0)
void setVertexAttributePointer (GLuint _bufferID, GLuint _index, GLint _size, GLenum _type)
void setVertexAttributePointerNormalized (GLuint _bufferID, GLuint _index, GLint _size, GLenum _type)
void setVertexLongAttributePointer (GLuint _bufferID, GLuint _index, GLint _size, GLenum _type)
void unbindVertexBuffers ()
void setAttributeBuffer1i (int _bufferID, int _input)
void setAttributeBuffer1i (int _bufferID, std::vector< int > _input)
void setAttributeBuffer1f (int _bufferID, float _value)
void setAttributeBuffer1f (int _bufferID, std::vector< float > _input)
void addVertex3fAttribute (unsigned int _bufferPos, unsigned int _size, const vmml::Vector3d _value)
void addVertex3fAttribute (unsigned int _bufferPos, unsigned int _size, const vmml::Vector3d *_values)
void addCustomVertexAttributef (unsigned int _bufferPos, unsigned int _attributeCount, unsigned int _sizePerAttribute, float **_values)
void setDepthMatrix (vmml::Matrix4d _mat)
void setDepthMatrixUniform ()
void setDepthTextureHandle (GLuint _handle)
void setDepthUniforms ()
GLuint getDepthTextureHandle () const
void setPickingInformation ()
void createMultiDrawPointerList (GLuint _numberOfDrawObjects, GLsizei *_stripLenghts)
void createMultiDrawPointerList (GLuint _numberOfDrawObjects, GLsizei _stripLenghts)
void drawMultiElements (GLenum _mode, const GLsizei *_count, GLsizei _drawcount)
void drawArrays (GLenum _mode, GLint _first, GLsizei _count)
void drawElements (GLenum _mode, GLsizei _count, const GLvoid *_indices)
void drawMultiArrays (GLenum _mode, const GLsizei *_count, GLsizei _drawcount)
void enablePrimitiveRestart ()
void disablePrimitiveRestart ()
void setPrimitiveRestartIndex (GLuint _in)
unsigned int getVertexCount () const
void setVertexAttributePointerForBuffer (unsigned int _bufferID, unsigned int _size, GLenum _type)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ge::GlobeComponent
 GlobeComponent ()
virtual ~GlobeComponent ()=0
GLuint getUID () const
GLuint getGroupID () const
const std::string getName () const
void setName (std::string _name)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from geGIS::FeatureObject
- Public Types inherited from ge::DrawableComponent
- Protected Member Functions inherited from geGIS::LineFeatureObject
void loadPolygonAttributesToGPUBuffer (int _bufferLayerID, bool _spaceFillingCurve)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from geGIS::FeatureObject
void deleteMemory ()
void setupInitialShapeData (std::string _filename, std::string _driver, geGIS::FeatureRange _entRange)
void setupInitialTFSData (std::string _filename, int _minlod, int _maxlod)
virtual shpio::SHPFileExportContainer * getExportContainer (std::shared_ptr< ReferenceSystem > _referenceSystem)
void checkForBoundaries ()
void setEntityRanges (geGIS::FeatureRange _entRange)
void print ()
void setFeatureType (std::string _type)
void loadDataFromSHP (std::string filename)
- Protected Attributes inherited from geGIS::LineFeatureObject
std::shared_ptr< geData::MultiLineObjectmultilineGeometry
double lineThickness
ge::ShaderStorageBufferArray gpuFeatureInfo
std::vector< size_t > resMorton
unsigned int gpuFeatureMaxLevel
unsigned int gpulineSegmentCount
unsigned int gpulineSegmentListPointCount
std::vector< ge::Vertex2dgpulinesegmentList
std::vector< ge::Vertex4dboundsFinal
ClusterGrid cgrid
bool fillLineFeature
- Protected Attributes inherited from geGIS::FeatureObject
int shapetype
int numberOfEntities
int numberOfEdges
int numberOfLocations
geGIS::FeatureRange entityRange
double bounds [6]
vmml::Vector3d midPoint
double edgelength [3]
std::shared_ptr< ReferenceSystemreferenceSystem
std::vector< vmml::Vector3d > feature_vec
std::vector< intshapeVecIdx
std::vector< SHPObject * > shape_vec
SHPHandle shapehandle
shpio::DBFDataContainer datatable
vmml::Vector3f textColor
float weightMax
float weightMin
vmml::Vector3f blueprintColor
bool isRepository
tileService::TileFeatureService tfsloader
std::string fileUrl
std::shared_ptr< StyleCollectionvectorStyling
- Protected Attributes inherited from ge::DrawableComponent
std::shared_ptr< ge::Shadershader
vmml::Vector3d position
vmml::Vector3d scale
vmml::Vector3d rotations
vmml::Vector3f color
unsigned int colorPerVertex
bool textured
GLuint colorTexHandle
bool normalMapped
GLuint normalTexHandle
vmml::Matrix4d modelMatrix
vmml::Matrix4d mvpMatrix
vmml::Matrix3d normalMatrix
vmml::Matrix4d depthTextureMatrix
GLuint depthTextureHandle
ge::VertexArrayObject vao
ge::VertexBufferArray attributes
GLuint vertexCount
GLuint indexCount
ge::IndexBuffer indexBuffer
GLuint multiDrawPointerListSize
const GLvoid ** multiDrawPointerList
GLint * multiDrawArraysList
GLuint occlusionQueryState
GLuint occlusionQueryID
GLuint queryResultPixelCount
GLint uniformViewMatrixLocation
GLint uniformProjectionMatrixLocation
GLint uniformModelMatrixLocation
GLint uniformMVPMatrixLocation
GLint uniformObjectColorLocation
GLint uniformColorPerVertexLocation
GLint uniformObjectIDLocation
GLint uniformObjectGroupIDLocation
- Protected Attributes inherited from ge::GlobeComponent
int uid
int group_uid
std::string name

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

geGIS::ReferenceSystem::ReferenceSystem ( )
geGIS::ReferenceSystem::~ReferenceSystem ( )

Member Function Documentation

void geGIS::ReferenceSystem::clear ( )

Reimplemented from geGIS::LineFeatureObject.

double * geGIS::ReferenceSystem::convertLocalToWGS84Coordinates ( const double *  _data,
int  _pointCount 
double * geGIS::ReferenceSystem::convertWGS84toLocalCoordinates ( const double *  _data,
int  _pointCount 
void geGIS::ReferenceSystem::createWithFile ( ReferenceSystemInfo  _info,
std::string  _url 
const vmml::Vector2d & geGIS::ReferenceSystem::getFullExtent ( ) const
vmml::Vector2d geGIS::ReferenceSystem::getLocalFromWGS84 ( double  _long,
double  _lat 
) const
vmml::Vector2d geGIS::ReferenceSystem::getLocalFromWGS84 ( const vmml::Vector2d &  _point) const
short geGIS::ReferenceSystem::getOptimalTileStructure ( ) const
std::string geGIS::ReferenceSystem::getProfileName ( ) const
const double * geGIS::ReferenceSystem::getRefSystemBounds ( ) const
double geGIS::ReferenceSystem::getScaleToLocaleLatCoordinates ( ) const
double geGIS::ReferenceSystem::getScaleToLocaleLongCoordinates ( ) const
vmml::Vector4d geGIS::ReferenceSystem::getSystemBounds ( ) const
void geGIS::ReferenceSystem::loadData ( std::string  filename,
double  _rescaleTo 
void geGIS::ReferenceSystem::setFullExtent ( )
void geGIS::ReferenceSystem::setReferenceSystemInfoInShader ( std::shared_ptr< ge::Shader _shader)
void geGIS::ReferenceSystem::setScaleToLocaleLatCoordinates ( double  _input)
void geGIS::ReferenceSystem::setScaleToLocaleLongCoordinates ( double  _input)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: