geClimateViewer Namespace Reference


class  ClimateViewerComposition
class  ClimateViewerEngine
class  ClimateViewerGLWidget
class  ClimateViewerInputControl
class  ClimateViewerUI
class  CriticalEdge
class  CriticalPoint
class  CriticalRegion
class  PolyLineExt
class  SeedLine
class  SeedLinePoint
struct  SeedPoint
struct  StreamlineProperties
class  Streamlines
struct  UISettings
class  VectorField
class  VectorFieldTopology


typedef std::shared_ptr< CriticalPointCriticalPointptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< CriticalEdgeCriticalEdgeptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< CriticalRegionCriticalRegionptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< SeedLineSeedLineptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< SeedLinePointSeedLinePointptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< SeedPointSeedPointptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< VectorFieldTopologyVectorFieldTopologyptr


float cosAngle (vmml::Vector3f &_first, vmml::Vector3f &_second)
vmml::Matrix3f calculateRotationMatrix2 (vmml::Vector3f _v1, vmml::Vector3f _v2)
bool checkExist (std::vector< std::vector< vmml::Vector3f >> &_liness, vmml::Vector3f _point, float _minDistance)
void orderCriticalPointsx_asc (std::vector< CriticalPointptr > &_points)
void orderCriticalPointsy_asc (std::vector< CriticalPointptr > &_points)
void orderCriticalPointsx_desc (std::vector< CriticalPointptr > &_points)
void orderCriticalPointsy_desc (std::vector< CriticalPointptr > &_points)

Detailed Description

ClimateViewerComposition.h GlobeEngine

Created by Mathias Thöny on 27.12.11. Copyright (c) 2011 University of Zurich. All rights reserved.

ClimateViewerEngine.h GlobeEngine

Created by Mathias Thöny on 27.12.11. Copyright (c) 2011 University of Zurich. All rights reserved.

ClimateViewerGLWidget.h GlobeEngine

Created by Mathias Thöny on 27.12.11. Copyright (c) 2011 University of Zurich. All rights reserved.

ClimateViewerInputControl.h GlobeEngine

Created by Mathias Thöny on 27.12.11. Copyright (c) 2011 University of Zurich. All rights reserved.

ClimateViewer.h GlobeEngine

Created by Alireza on 27.12.11. Copyright (c) 2011 University of Zurich. All rights reserved.

MultiLineWithBoundaries.h GlobeEngine

Created by Alireza Amiraghdam on 27.12.11. Copyright (c) 2011 University of Zurich. All rights reserved.

Streamlines.h GlobeEngine

Created by Alireza Amiraghdam on 20.12.11. Copyright (c) 2011 University of Zurich. All rights reserved.

CoordinateSystem.cpp Created by Mathias Thöny on 6.1.2015. Copyright (c) 2011 University of Zurich. All rights reserved.

Streamlines.cpp Created by Alireza Amiraghdam on 20.12.2016. Copyright (c) 2011 University of Zurich. All rights reserved.

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::shared_ptr<SeedLine> geClimateViewer::SeedLineptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<SeedPoint> geClimateViewer::SeedPointptr

Function Documentation

vmml::Matrix3f geClimateViewer::calculateRotationMatrix2 ( vmml::Vector3f  _v1,
vmml::Vector3f  _v2 
bool geClimateViewer::checkExist ( std::vector< std::vector< vmml::Vector3f >> &  _liness,
vmml::Vector3f  _point,
float  _minDistance 
float geClimateViewer::cosAngle ( vmml::Vector3f &  _first,
vmml::Vector3f &  _second 
void geClimateViewer::orderCriticalPointsx_asc ( std::vector< CriticalPointptr > &  _points)
void geClimateViewer::orderCriticalPointsx_desc ( std::vector< CriticalPointptr > &  _points)
void geClimateViewer::orderCriticalPointsy_asc ( std::vector< CriticalPointptr > &  _points)
void geClimateViewer::orderCriticalPointsy_desc ( std::vector< CriticalPointptr > &  _points)