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 Call for Contributions (MICS members only)

Unlike in previous MICS meetings, in this year's annual workshop we would like to make the Ph.D. students the center of the presentations, both to give them an opportunity to present their work but also to encourage new Ph.D. students for the next phase of the NCCR MICS.

To this purpose, the technical part of the workshop will be organized around technical talks and posters/demos.



Posters and demos will follow the same pattern as in previous NCCR MICS events.

In order to provide the required space for posters and demos, you MUST submit the following information by June 4:

Posters: Name of presenter, MICS IP, institution, title of poster

Demos: Name of contact person, MICS IP, institution, title of demo, infrastructure requirements

The standard infrastructure for demos is one table and one power connection. Everything beyond that must be requested explicitly.


Send your submission by e-mail with subject "MICS 2004 submission" to Arun Mukhija. Incoming e-mail will be filtered according to the subject line. So please make sure that you use exactly this subject line.

Submission deadline: June 4, 2004

Additionally, send a pdf-file of your poster by June 21 to Denis Rochat so that he can post them on the MICS Web Site.

Posters must be prepared according to the MICS poster templates. These are available in the "internal documents" private section of the MICS Web site (go to http://www.mics.org/ADM/ADMdocuments.php and log in).

If you are submitting a technical talk, also submit a poster on the same topic, so that the poster exhibition will cover the whole field of MICS research.



For the technical talks, we ask each IP leader to submit to the workshop organizers a ranked list of possible presentations that reflect recent work done in that IP. There is a limit of 3 submissions per IP (for IPs with less than 3 faculty, please submit only one proposal per faculty). Ph.D. students wishing to present their work forward their submission to their IP leaders who will do the pre-selection.

The workshop committee then will select those submissions that are considered most relevant, interesting, and can be combined into a high quality, attractive and coherent program. Please note that not all submissions will be invited to give a talk at the workshop since we have only a limited number of slots.






Martin Glinz    2004-06-01