Dr. Vania Guerra
Research Assistant
Educational Engineering Lab
Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Binzmühlestrasse 14
CH - 8050 Zurich
Location: BIN 2.B.12
Phone: +41 - (0)44 635 43 19
Fax: +41 - (0)44 635 68 09
Originally from Chile, I grew up and initiated my studies in Venezuela. In 2002, I came to Europe for my PhD thesis at the University of Barcelona (Spain), and in 2007 life brought me to Zurich to fall in love with the exuberant Swiss Alps.
Driven by scientific curiosity I first moved from electronic engineering towards learning theories and educational use of technology, by writing a master’s thesis in educational technology in Venezuela. After that, I moved to Spain to consolidate my expertise by doing a PhD thesis in educational science, with a strong focus in analyzing the relation between technology and education. While working on my PhD project, I got in contact with new learning approaches associated with collaborative learning and knowledge building perspectives, besides of a deeper understanding of knowledge acquisition approaches. Then, together with INNOVA.the - Teaching innovation group of the Pedagogy Faculty at the University of Barcelona –, I got in touch with activity theory and design research, increasing my interest in applied and action research. By analyzing the activities inside the teaching innovation group, I got captivated by the complexity of innovation processes at personal and at organizational level.
At the present moment I am expanding my interests from technology supporting teaching/learning processes towards uses of technology in innovation processes and organizational transformations.
2009. PhD in Educational Multimedia (Suma Cum Laude) . University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Thesis: Guidelines for the implementation of knowledge-building environments supported by computer, in higher education. (Teaching innovation management).
2004. Research proficiency (DEA). University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
2002. Master in Educational Technology. Simón Bolívar University. Caracas, Venezuela.
1999. Electronic Engineering. Simón Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela.
Work activities
2009 - Present Consultant. Innovation Office of the Open University of Catalonia (Spain).
2008 - Present. Research assistant. Educational Engineering Lab. Zurich University (Switzerland)
2006. Consultant (researcher, trainer, advisor). COMconeixer, knowledge building and creation. Project coordinated by the Education and Universities Department of Catalonia, Spain. [http://www.xtec.es/ofinternacional/COMconeixer/cat/presentacio.htm]
2004 - 07. Research assistant. Innova-The (Teaching innovation Group). University of Barcelona. Projects Funded by Department of University, Research, and Information Society, Catalonia, Spain.
2003-2004. Assistant. Teaching support department. University of Barcelona. Spain
2001-2002. Analyst II. Users support Department. Simón Bolívar University. Caracas. Venezuela.
European Projects
Research group member of the Institute of Sciences of Education. University of Barcelona. Spain.
- PRAISE: Peer Review Network Applying Intelligence to Social Work Education (e-Learning programme)
- CABLE: Case-based e-learning for educators. (Socrates "MINERVA" project - 109883-CP-1-2003-1-IT-MINERVA-M, 2003-2005)
Teaching activities
2004-06 Assistant. Sociedad de la información. Master's degree in Social Pedagogy. University of Barcelona. Spain
2003-04 Assistant. Tecnología Educativa. Pedagogy degree. University of Barcelona. Spain
2001-04 Instructor of several training curses for University staff (Venezuela and Spain): End-Note, Knowledge Forum®, Photoshop, Macromedia Director.
- Native Spanish Speaker
- Fluent in English
- Advanced in Catalan
- Intermediate in German (currently learning at Goethe institute)
Personal interests
- Communication in multicultural environments.
- Traveling
- Outdoor sports: mountaineering, rock climbing, ski touring, high touring, beach volley.
- Photography
- Literature, art, philosophy.