Research Associate
Educational Engineering Lab
Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Andreasstrasse 15
CH - 8050 Zurich
Location: AND 2.42
Phone: +41 - (0)44 635 43 41
Fax: +41 - (0)44 635 68 54
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Research (Projects) & Interests
My main research project is to develop a systemic approch for IT project management including methods and techniques for handling social aspects.
As a consultant and coach I combine my research interest with projects in different international corporations.
Current I am a project leader of the advanced education program MAS in Informatics for Maturity Schools.
A Systemic Perspective on the Design of Computer Artefacts
Short curriculum vitae (CV)
1978-1984 | studies in Computer Science at Technical University Berlin, Germany | ||
1985-1989 | teaching and courses at public schools in Berlin, Germany | ||
1985-1989 | technical assistant in an architectural office, Berlin, Germany | ||
1987-1991 | facilitator for "future workshops" | ||
1991-1992 | project leader in a software project, Enter AG, Zurich, Switzerland | ||
1992-1998 | research assistant at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, Software Engineering Group | ||
1995-1996 | Continuing Education in "Systemischer Organisationsberatung", Scientific Institute for Consulting and communication, Paderborn, Germany | ||
1998 | Dissertation in „Softwareentwicklung als systemische Intervention in Organisationen“ | ||
1998-2005 | Post-doc at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, Educational Engineering Lab Administration and teaching in the continuing education course „Management and Leadership in complex IT projects“ Consulting projects in organisation development and project coaching |
2005-2007 | Design and Management of the Diploma of Advanced Studies in IT Project Management | ||
Since 2006 | Lecturer in the Bachelor of Science in Informatics „Management and leadership of IT projects“ | ||
Since 2007 | Project Leader of the MAS in Informatics for Maturity Schools funded by the Hasler Foundation |