The Multilingual Semantic Web
Sunday, October 23 - 09:00 - 18:00 - Room: Lenné
Multilingualism has become an issue of major interest for the Semantic Web community, in light of the substantial growth of internet users that create and update knowledge all over the world in languages other than English. This process has been accelerated due to initiatives such as the Linked Data initiative, which encourages not only governments and public institutes to make their data available to the public, but also private organizations in domains as far apart as medicine, cartography or music. These actors publish their data sources in the languages they are available in, and as such, in order to make this information available to an international community, multilingual knowledge representation, access and translation are an impending need. Building on the success of the first edition of this workshop, we have organized a second workshop focusing on topics such as the representation of multilingual information in the Semantic Web, cross-lingual querying, multilingual mapping, machine translation, and localization strategies for the Semantic Web.
Find the schedule and more information on the workshop's website.
Organizing Committee
- Dr. Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Dr. John McCrae, University of Bielefeld, Germany
- Dr. Paul Buitelaar, DERI - National University of Ireland, Galway
- Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Programme Committee
- Guadalupe Aguado de Cea, OEG, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Dimitra Anastasiou, Language & Literary Studies, University of Bremen, Germany
- Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, IRIT, Knowledge Engineering, Cognition and Cooperation, France
- Roberto Basili, Universita Tor Vergata, Rome - Artificial Intelligence group, Italy
- Victor de Boer, Web & Media group - Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands
- Kalina Boncheva, Natural Language Processing Group, University of Sheffield, UK
- Francis Bond, NICT - Language Infrastructure Group, Japan
- Christopher Brewster, Aston University - Operations and Information Management Group, UK
- Nicoletta Calzolari, ILC-CNR - Computational Linguistics Institute, Italy
- Jeremy Carroll, TopQuadrant, USA
- Key-Sun Choi, KAIST - Semantic Web Research Center, South-Korea
- Thierry Declerck, DFKI - Language Technology Lab, Germany
- Aldo Gangemi, ISTC-CNR - Semantic Technology Laboratory, Italy
- Asuncion Gómez Pérez, OEG, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Gregory Grefenstette, Exalead, France
- Siegfried Handschuh, DERI, Nat. Univ. of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- Michael Hausenblas, DERI, Nat. Univ. of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- Sebastian Hellmann, Department of Business Information Systems - University of Leipzig, Germany
- Laura Hollink, Delft University of Technology, Holland
Antoine Isaac, Vrije Universiteit - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, the Netherlands - Ernesto William De Luca, Universitaet Magdeburg - Data and Knowledge Engineering Group, Germany
- Vanesa López, KMI, Open University, UK
- Gerard de Melo, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
- Sergei Nirenburg, University of Maryland - Institute for Language and Information Technologies, USA
- Alessandro Oltramari, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Psychology, Pittsburgh, USA
- Jacco van Ossenbruggen, CWI - Semantic Media Interfaces & VU - Intelligent Systems, the Netherlands
- Wim Peters, University of Sheffield - Natural Language Processing group, UK
- Laurette Pretorius, University of South Africa - School of Computing, South-Africa
- James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University – CS Dept., Lab for Linguistics and Computation, USA
- Felix Sasaki, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany
- Marta Sabou, Department of New Media Technology – MODUL University, Vienna
- Philipp Sorg, AIFB – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Martin Volk, Universitaet Zürich - Institute of Computational Linguistics, Switzerland
- Piek Vossen, Vrije Universiteit - Dept. of Language, Cognition and Communication, the Netherlands
- Yong Yu, Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University