This is the complete list of members for geAstro::Body, including all inherited members.
addSatellite(std::shared_ptr< Body > _satellite) | geAstro::Body | |
Body() | geAstro::Body | |
clear() | geAstro::Body | |
createOrbit(OrbitInfo orbitInfo, vmml::Vector3d _center, std::shared_ptr< ge::Shader > _programForOrbits, vmml::Vector3f _orbitColor, unsigned int _id, unsigned int _groupuid) | geAstro::Body | |
createOrbit(OrbitInfo orbitInfo, vmml::Vector3d _center, std::shared_ptr< ge::Shader > _programForOrbits, vmml::Vector3f _orbitColor, unsigned int _id, unsigned int _groupuid, bool _smallBodiesAsPointCloud, bool _isRealScale) | geAstro::Body | |
drawOrbit(std::shared_ptr< ge::Camera > _cam) | geAstro::Body | |
getBodyInfo() const | geAstro::Body | |
getCoreDepthInKm() | geAstro::Body | |
getCrustDepthInKm() | geAstro::Body | |
getCrustInfo() const | geAstro::Body | |
getCurrentRotation() const | geAstro::Body | |
getMantleDepthInKm() | geAstro::Body | |
getOrbit() const | geAstro::Body | |
getOrbitData() | geAstro::Body | |
getRadiusInKm() | geAstro::Body | |
getRadiusScaled(bool _scaled=false) const | geAstro::Body | |
getSatellites() const | geAstro::Body | |
hasCoreView() | geAstro::Body | |
hasOrbit() const | geAstro::Body | |
hasSatellites() | geAstro::Body | |
scaleBody(double _value) const | geAstro::Body | |
setBodyAttributes(BodyInfo _data, double _scaleSize) | geAstro::Body | |
setBodyAttributes(BodyInfo _data, double _scaleSize, BodyCompositionInfo _crust) | geAstro::Body | |
setBodyAttributes(BodyInfo _data, double _scaleSize, std::shared_ptr< Body > _parent) | geAstro::Body | |
setBodyInfo(BodyInfo _info) | geAstro::Body | |
setParent(std::shared_ptr< Body > _parent) | geAstro::Body | |
updateOrbit(double _date) | geAstro::Body | |
updateRotation(double _currentDateInDays) | geAstro::Body | |
~Body() | geAstro::Body |