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Communication and Cooperation in Distributed Software Project Teams
Prof. Paul Layzell , University of Manchester

With a growing demand for software systems and an increase in their complexity, software development and maintenance is no longer the preserve of individual designers and programmers, but is a team-based activity.  Indeed, development and maintenance has always involved a wide variety of stakeholders (customers, designers, programmers, maintainers, end-users) making the need for communication and cooperation an inherent characteristic.

Changes in support technology, economic factors and globalisation of software development and maintenance is increasingly resulting in the geographical separation of personnel.  Where such distribution of personnel occurs, it is clearly important that there is high quality communication and cooperation.

This presentation will bring together the work from various studies conducted by the author into collaborative software engineering, highlight key experiences and identifying issues and challenges for the future.


Collaborative Requirements Engineering and Management
Prof. Ann M. Hickey, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Collaborative requirements engineering and management is the discipline of enabling diverse stakeholder groups to work together effectively to identify, select, document, update and track the requirements for a software system. Given the increasing globalization of business and IT, these stakeholders often include multiple customers, users, project managers, developers and others, frequently from a wide variety of organizations and geographic locations, with very different perspectives and needs. The goal of collaborative requirements engineering and management is to facilitate the collaboration of these stakeholders throughout all stages of the requirements process. The purpose of this talk is to emphasize why collaborative requirements engineering and management is important for project success, discuss when it should (and should not) be used, and compare alternative collaborative facilitation approaches.


A Unified Model for Collaboration and System Modeling in Global Projects 
Prof. Bernd Brügge, Technische Univ. München

Distributed Global software development introduces many new  challenges that single site development approaches do not address.  Reduced communication bandwidth and availability, cultural  differences, lack of awareness of work at other sites, and lack of  decision transparency are a few examples among many. Current software  engineering artifacts and communication mechansims are insufficient  for synchronous collaboration. Source code is not self documenting.  Documents do not contain sufficient context for decisions and become  obsolete quickly. As a result, extensive travel 
by participants is  required, offsetting the advantages of distributed development.

In this talk, I will present an approach in which both system and  collaboration artifacts are represented in a single, shared  environment accessible to the project participants. System models,  such 
as requirements, architectural components, and detailed design,  are represented as a graph of nodes related by typed relationships.  Collaboration artifacts, such as notes, rationale, request for  
clarification, and action items, are represented using the same  mechanism, thus allowing collaboration artifacts to be linked to  their relevant system model elements. The advantages of putting 
equal  emphasis on both system and collaboration artifacts are many:  traceability paths through both types of models can be used to  identify implicit dependencies between seemingly unrelated parts 
of  the system; contributors can be identified not only from who created  specific model elements, but also from whom posted notes, issues, or  todos attached to the model; rationale behind decisions 
and the  resulting action items can be captured and organized according to  which parts of the system they are relevant. In conclusion, I will  present Sysiphus, a modeling environment for distributed 
projects,  which we have developed at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen to  realize these concepts.


Open-source Softwareentwicklung als Modell für kollaborative Realisierung
Dr. Stefan Koch, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Open-source Softwareentwicklung stösst auf zunehmendes Interesse in Forschung und Praxis, insbesondere aufgrund des enormen Erfolgs von Projekten wie dem Linux Betriebssystem mit Paketen wie GNOME und KDE, Apache und sendmail. Diese Beispiele beweisen, dass die stark dezentralisierte Form der Softwareentwicklung in open-source Projekten zu qualitativ hochwertiger Software führen kann. Dieser Vortrag gibt eine Übersicht über die Prinzipien der open-source Softwareentwicklung sowie bisherige empirische Erkenntnisse dazu und zeigt, was man von diesem Ansatz für die kollaborative Softwareentwicklung im Allgemeinen lernen kann.


Erfahrungsbericht Kollaborative Softwareentwicklung im VISTA Projekt
Martin Koblet, IBM

Abstract folgt.


Erfahrungsbericht Offshore Development Best Practices
Georg Molter, Zühlke

Offshore durchgeführte Software-Entwicklungsprojekte zeichnen sich wegen der räumlichen Distanz, aber auch wegen der unterschiedlichen Kulturkreise und Mentalitäten der Beteiligten durch besondere Komplexität und Herausforderungen bezüglich Infrastruktur und Kommunikation aus. In der Präsentation wird  basierend auf konkreten Erfahrungen aufgezeigt, wie man diesen Randbedingungen durch Ergänzung und Anpassung der Vorgehensweise im Projekt systematisch begegnen kann.


Bernhard Rytz 23.02.2006