

FP7: FET Proactive Intiative: Embodied Intelligence (EMBODY i )




Objective ICT-2007.8.5: FET proactive: Embodied Intelligence (Extract from Work programme text)

Target outcome:

New technologies and design approaches for building physically embodied intelligent agents and artefacts, with emphasis on the relationship between shape, function and the physical and social environment, and addressing one or several of the following:

  • Mind-body co-development and co-evolution through permanent and extended multimodal interaction of agents with the physical and social environment. Projects will develop a better understanding of the role of such interaction in open-ended learning and adaptation processes, including morphological change for shaping perception, cognition, cooperation and social intelligence. They will demonstrate qualitative and quantitative improvements in agent capabilities and characteristics.
  • Morphology and behaviour : new design principles for sensing, actuation and locomotion components and for robot architectures that are based on a deeper understanding of the role of form and material properties in shaping behaviour, and of the ways in which these afford relationships and interactions with the environment and with other agents. Projects will aim to demonstrate advantages in physical and performance characteristics of the robot e.g. in terms of control, weight, flexibility, resilience, or other characteristics.
  • Design for emergence : design paradigms and techniques for purposive agents where behaviour is not strictly programmed but robustly emerges from the interaction of the various components (each with local intelligence), the environment and its ubiquitous information resources. Projects will develop smart components and techniques for the design of ambitious classes of scalable robotic systems, incorporating where possible prior knowledge on tasks or environments, while leaving the necessary room for emergence and adaptation.

Coordination actions (CAs) should support the consolidation of research communities, their visibility, the coordination of research agendas and, where appropriate, the coordination of national or regional research programmes or activities. The initiative also encourages international cooperation in foundational research on topics described above.

Expected impact:

The research should contribute to systems that are more versatile in their interaction with modules, systems and services in their environment: adapting to change in the environment with minimal intervention, harnessing dispersed and dynamic content by exchanging knowledge at a semantic level that is robust against diversity of origin and use, preserving and even changing original functionality and properties over time, providing security to their environment through verifiably secure programming models, and offering assessable security of systems in the context of their environment.

In addition, the selected Coordination Action(s) should support the consolidation of associated research communities, their visibility, the coordination of research agendas and, where appropriate, the coordination of national or regional research programmes or activities. Finally, the initiative also encourages international cooperation in foundational research on topics described above.


Background documents

Intelligent and Cognitive Systems: Report (   143KB)





  • Start of projects: Dec 2008 - Jan 2009