1. Symposium "JUST DO IT ...it's your school...your future" - eine medienpädagogische und architektonische Herausforderung.
Legende (von links nach rechts): Tarek Leitner (Moderation), Prof. Ursula Niessner, MSc., Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Helmut Schauer, Dipl.Päd. Dr. Gerda Kysela-Schiemer, MA., Univ.Prof. Dr. Christian Swertz, Christoph E.H. Lechner, Univ.Prof. Dr. Stefan Aufenanger
7.4.2008, Wien
Madan Padaki (Co-Founder and CEO of MeritTrac) and Prof. Helmut Schauer seal their cooperation.
1. April 2008, Zürich
Signing the Sponsoring Contract with getunik AG for our new doctoral assistant Tsuy Ito. From left to right: Renato Bernhard (member of the management, getunik), Prof. Helmut Schauer, Tsuy Ito and Marco Zaugg (managing director, getunik).
December 2005