Patrick Minder


Patrick Minder

Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Binzmühlestr. 14
CH-8050 Zurich

Office: Uni Oerlikon 2.D.29

Email: minder [at]



Research Interest

My researches focus on using the collective intelligence of distributed human computation systems. The general assumption in collective intelligence is that aggregating the results of small and precisely defined task solved by independent people can produce results and behaviors that seems to be intelligent. Therefore, I am especially interested in the design of complex processes within the crowd.

Short Bio

I am a fast-track student at the DDIS group at the Institute of Informatics. Before that I studied Information Systems and Computer Science (Bachelor of Science) at the University of Zurich and worked for Schneider Software AG as Software Engineer and worked during a summer internship for the Swiss National Bank (SAP SRM customizing and business process analysis).

My Publications


  • Show abstractPatrick Minder, Abraham Bernstein, CrowdLang - First Steps Towards Programmable Human Computers for General Computation, In Proceedings of the 3rd Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP 2011), AAAI-Press 2011. (inproceedings)
  • Katharina Reinecke, Abraham Bernstein, Patrick Minder, MOCCA - A System That Learns and Recommends Visual Preferences Based on Cultural Similarity, International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2011. (inproceedings/Demo)


  • Show abstractPatrick Minder, Aggregating social networks - entity resolution with face recognition, 08 2010. (bachelorsthesis)

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