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Maschinelle Übersetzung (MÜ)
Die Geburtsstunde der maschinellen Übersetzung wird ums Jahr 1947 angesetzt. Ihre Urväter, Warren Weaver und Andrew D. Booth, kamen beide vom Codebrechen her. [Weaver 1955] zitiert in seinem berühmten Memorandum “Translation” von 1949 aus seinem Brief an Norbert Wiener (MIT) aus 1947:
When I look at an article in Russian, I say: “This is really written in English, but it has been coded in some strange symbols. I will now proceed to decode.”
Have you ever thought about this? As a linguist and expert on computers, do you think it is worth thinking about?
Wie war wohl Wieners Reaktion?
Second?as to the problem of mechanical translation, I frankly am afraid the boundaries of words in different languages are too vague and the emotional and international connotations are too extensive to make any quasimechanical translation scheme very hopeful. [Weaver 1955] |
Kurzer historischer Abriss der MT
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