Rapid Object-Oriented Software Development
University of Bern, Sept. 13th, 1996
Joint CHOOSE / SI-SE Forum

Software industry always pursued two conflicting
objectives: quality of software and rapid delivery. Many oscillations
in the history of software engineering show temporary precedence of
one pole over the other. About 15 years ago, object-oriented
programming came with the promise of significant progress on both
fronts. Nowadays, object encapsulation is widely accepted as a factor
for better software quality and security; but on the other hand, the
ability of objects alone to speed up software development is
sometimes questioned. By contrast, a number of related or
complementary technologies have emerged which are especially targeted
for time-critical development: scripting languages for rapid
prototyping, specialized object or component frameworks to
encapsulate basic application functionality, programming tools or
environments to help building applications. The term "Rapid
Application Development" (RAD) has been coined to cover the
application of such technologies. RAD and object technology are
clearly complementary techniques. For this reason we decided to
organize a forum with tutorials and experience reports that give an
overview of how object technology can be applied for RAD.
- 9.00
- Registration and Wake-up Coffee
- 9.30
- Welcome
Dr. W. Bischofberger, UBILAB, Union Bank of Switzerland
- 9.45
- Objects Saved Rapid Prototyping
John Connell, NASA
A popular new trend, "good enough software," statistically
optimizes the trade-off between defects, schedule, and features in
software development. With Object-Oriented Rapid Application
Development, however, it is possible to work outside this
triangle, developing only correct features in less than normal
time. Iterative prototyping suffered in the past from lack of
successfully repeatable approaches, lack of robust prototyping
tools, and a tendency of prototypers to take shortcuts in
specification. This talk shows that object-oriented analysis and
design methods, combined with a plethora of modern, robust,
object-oriented rapid prototyping tools have significantly
diminished these risks and made rapid application development a
sound approach.
- 10.45
- Coffee Break
- 11.15
- Rapid Software Development - Some General Remarks
Georg Heeg, Roland Wagener, Georg Heeg
Object-oriented Systems Software development means modeling of
phenomena of a real or imaginary world on a computer system. The
quality of the developed software is defined by formal criteria
like stability, processing speed, resource usage and essentially
by the adequacy of the resulting model. Rapid application
development means to use means and processes which speed up the
development process under the given quality criteria. Bottlenecks
in legacy software development processes consist mainly of manual
transformations of models into computer technology. This talk
discusses several approaches to get rid of these bottlenecks such
as modeling of notions and concepts in object-oriented
programming, frameworks, design patterns, visual programming, and
ready-made solutions.
- 12.00
- WebObjects - A Visual Development Environment for Building
Server-Based Web Applications
Peter Lipps, NeXT Software Deutschland GmbH
The WebObjects
visual development environment allows developers to easily create
and manage WebObjects applications running on the server. These
multi-tier web applications leverage a corporation's existing
computing infrastructure of databases, mainframes, and existing
applications needing a web interface. The graphical environment
speeds development time by enabling developers to lay out
WebObjects and HTML on each application page, bind the WebObjects
dynamic elements to script methods and variables, and fill in the
server logic. Developers will have significantly less code to
write and maintain by building reusable components. This talk
discussed the architecture and potential fields application of
this technology.
- 12.45
- Lunch Break
- 14.15
- RAD with Object-Oriented Scripting Languages
Michael Scharf, TakeFive GesmbH
Object-oriented scripting languages like Perl5, IncrTCL and Python
scarify many of the features absolutely necessary to build big,
modular, efficient, product quality software systems. Their syntax
and semantics are tuned to be efficient for small systems. They
provide general purpose data structures like strings, lists and
dictionaries and come with libraries for a wide range of
applications. They are frequently embedded into systems to make it
possible to glue components together in a flexible way. This talk
discusses the strengths and weakness of object-oriented scripting
languages for rapid application development in the context of a
number of practically developed applications.
- 14.45
- A Breaking Network Management Complexity Apart
Luca Deri, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory and University of
Up a couple of years ago network management was a challenging
discipline. Applications were difficult to install, tailor and
use. Additionally users who needed an application for a particular
task had to spend a significant amount of time and code it using
low-level tools. Recently, the advent of the WWW and Java allowed
to rapidly create applications accessible from virtually every
platform. Aim of this talk is to show how the platform developed
by the author allow the fast development of simple yet powerful
network management applications. The main idea is to break the
complexity apart by building up the kernel of the application on
high-level services that hide the complexity of the underlying
protocols. Furthermore, the use of the WWW and Java allow
graphical user interfaces to be created easily starting from basic
components and services provided with the platform itself.
- 15.15
- The Development of a Visual Environment for Portfolio
Dr. Xavier Pintado, University of Geneva and Vol-de-Nuit
Vol-de-Nuit SA is currently developing a visual environment for
portfolio management. The system comprises a set of visual
components such as time series and portfolio optimizers in a
dynamically extendible framework. The framework relies entirely on
Microsoft OLE technologies. The presentation addresses framework
design issues and reports on the experience gained during the
development process. It focuses on how to achieve easy integration
on reusable software components. In particular, it discusses how
C++ components can be easily assembled inside RAD environments
such as Visual Basic or Borlands Delphi.
- 15.45
- Coffee Break
- 16.15
- General Assemblies of CHOOSE and SI-SE
- 16.45
- Happy hour for general assemblers
Speaker Profiles
John Connel has delivered many popular public seminars on
rapid prototyping in major cities world-wide for many years. He is
currently managing object-oriented software engineering and rapid
prototyping for many successful development projects concurrently at
NASA Ames where he is Chief Software Engineer for Sterling Software.
He is senior author of two Yourdon Press books, Structured Rapid
Prototyping, 1989, and Object-Oriented Rapid Prototyping, 1995.
Luca Deri, formerly a research fellow at the University
College of London and member of the OSIMIS development team, is
currently a Ph.D. student in the Software Composition Group at the
University of Berne working part-time at IBM Zurich Research
Laboratory. He received his degree in Computer Science with a thesis
on Network Management from Tecsiel S.p.A. where he worked as a
consultant after the graduation. His professional interests include
OSI management, object-oriented technology, Internet technology and
human-computer interaction.
Georg Heeg studied Computer Science and Mathematics at
University of Dortmund. He worked as research assistant in the
programming language area at University of Dortmund. In 1987 he
founded Georg Heeg - Object-oriented Systems, a software house
focused on object technology. The goal of the company is to accompany
object-oriented software projects in the industry to ensure success.
Peter Lipps is chief technical officer of NeXT Software
Germany GmbH.
Xavier Pintado is a member of the Object Systems Group of
the University of Geneva. He holds a Ph.D. in information systems
from the University of Geneva. Dr. Pintado is responsible for the
activities of ObjectLab, a research lab devoted to the development of
object-oriented techniques for the financial domain. His research
interests include component-oriented design, fuzzy logic and
information theory. Dr. Pintado is also chief software architect at
Vol-de-Nuit SA, a software development company active in the
development of software components for asset management.
Michael Scharf has a diploma in Physics and worked for nine
years at European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg in the
BioComputing department as software engineer and system designer. He
developed software systems and prototypes in the areas of management,
visualization, analysis, browsing and retrieving of molecular
biological data. He currently works as software engineer for TakeFive
Roland Wagener studied Computer Science at University of
Dortmund. In 1990 he joined Georg Heeg. He built the support
organization of Georg Heeg. Today he is director of training and
consults and teaches Smalltalk and the usage of GemStone.
Registration Form
Participation Fees (please mark):
Early registration (until July 15th)
[ ] SI and CEPIS members Fr. 150.-
[ ] nonmembers Fr. 200.-
[ ] students Fr. 20.-
Late registration (after July 15th)
[ ] SI and CEPIS members Fr. 200.-
[ ] nonmembers Fr. 250.-
[ ] students Fr. 40.-
CHOOSE and SI-SE members get a further discount of Fr. 20.-.
Name, first name:
Phone: Fax:
Organization and membership number:
Please send this registration form to:
Schweizer Informatiker Gesellschaft
Schwandenholzstr. 286
CH-8046 Zörich
Tel. 01 / 371 73 42, Fax 01 / 371 23 00
E-mail: si@ifi.unizh.ch
This page is maintained by
Beringer at the Software
Engineering Laboratory of the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne.