
This pages lists currently available Masterprojects in the DDIS group. If you are a group of students and would like to work on one of the desribed projects don't hesitate to contact the respective person. You can also contact a supervisor of a project / Prof. Bernstein directly to be put on a waiting list (the project starts as soon as the minimum number of students is reached for a particular project).



Persistent OWLAPI

Project for 3-5 Students

The current state-of-the-art API for OWL2 is based on a single-threaded in-memory implementation. Hence, this solution does not scale at all. In your Master's Project you will design and implement an efficient disk-oriented thread-safe storage for the OWLAPI based on the DDIS Hexastore. You will perform scalability tests on the DDIS cluster to prove that your solution outperforms the classical store.

Contact: Thomas Scharrenbach


Semantic Version Control

Project for 2-4 Students

This project aims at semantically annotated version control systems (such as CVS or Subversion). Your task is to either take an existing version control system or build your own and extract semantic information from it. The classic usage example for a version control system is source code management. Your version control system would act as a "normal" subversion instance but internally extracting semantic information (RDF/OWL) and exposing that information via a SPARQL endpoint.
For evaluating your system you write a script that mirrors, for instance, the apache foundation's SVN server.

Contact: Jonas Tappolet