AI Algorithm Applets

About this Page

This page contains a couple of applets, that I am planning to either use in class or that you can use to learn about the presented algorithms. The applets all use Java™ technology. They should work in Mozilla/Netscape without any problems: Internet Explorer might need the installation of the Java Plugin that can be downloaded from SUN™ Microsystems.

The applets come from the following sources:

Search (A* and Co.)

UBC, As shown in class

(page protected with the usual username & password)

Constraint Satisfaction

Consistency-based Constraint Satisfaction

(page protected with the usual username & password)

Alpha-Beta MinMax

You can try out MIT's Alpha-Beta MinMax Applet here.

(use the usual username & passowrd, which you may have to enter twice).

Decision Tree Applet

The Decision Tree Applet (as shown in class)

(page protected with the usual username & password)

Belief and Decision Networks

The Belief and Decision Networks applet (as shown in class)

(page protected with the usual username & password)