
SWAT - The Semantic Web ACE Transformer

The interface allows formulating queries in Attempto Controlled English (ACE), a subset of natural English. Each ACE query is translated into a discourse representation structure – a variant of the language of first-order logic – that is then translated into an N3-based semantic web querying language using an ontology-based rewriting framework.

The approach offers great potential for bridging the gap between the logic-based Semantic Web and its real-world users, since it allows users to query the Semantic Web without having to learn an unfamiliar formal language.

  • A. Bernstein, E. Kaufmann, A. Göhring, C. Kiefer, "Querying Ontologies: A Controlled English Interface for End-users", in proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference, Galway, Ireland, 2005, p. 112-126. PDF
  • A. Bernstein, E. Kaufmann, N. E. Fuchs, "Talking to the Semantic Web - A Controlled English Query Interface for Ontologies", AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2005, p. 42-47. PDF
  • A. Bernstein, E. Kaufmann, N. E. Fuchs, J. von Bonin, "Talking to the Semantic Web – A Controlled English Query Interface for Ontologies", in proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Information Technology and System (WITS 2004), Washington DC, 2004, p. 212-217. PDF
The SWAT interface after executing the Attempto Controlled English query: "How does somebody sell some books over the internet?"

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