Thomas Scharrenbach

Dipl.-Inform Thomas Scharrenbach

University of Zurich
Department of Informatics
Binzmühlestrasse 14
8050 Zürich
Office: BIN 2.D.29

Phone: +41 44 635 71 22
Fax: +41 44 635 68 09
Email: click here

PGP Key: click here
PGP fingerprint: FF04 1062 1334 D4C2 D018 0BD3 427C 3AB8 3D51 F470


  • Consistent Ontology Evolution
  • Probabilistic Description Logics
  • Default Logics

Curriculum Vitae

Thomas Scharrenbach received his Vordiplom (~BSc) in computer science from the University of Bonn in 2001 where he studied computer science with a focus on computer vision, pattern recognition and photogrammetry. In 2003 he changed to RWTH Aachen with specialization in speech recognition and natural language processing. He received his Diploma (~MSc) from RWTH Aachen in 2005. Afterwards he worked In the area of minerals processing and recycling at RWTH Aachen where he performed research on multi-sensor-sorting of resources. From 2008 to now he is a PhD student at the Swiss Federal Institute for forest, snow and landscape research (WSL). During that time he was associated with the Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems (DDIS) group headed by Prof. Abraham Bernstein at the University of Zurich (UZH) which he joined in early 2011 as a research assistant.



  • Show abstractThomas Scharrenbach, Claudia d'Amato, Nicola Fanizzi, Rolf Grütter, Bettina Waldvogel, Abraham Bernstein, Default Logics for Plausible Reasoning with Controversial Axioms, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW-2010), November 2010, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (inproceedings)
  • Show abstractThomas Scharrenbach, Rolf Grütter, Bettina Waldvogel, Abraham Bernstein, Structure Preserving TBox Repair using Defaults, Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2010), May 2010, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (inproceedings)
  • Show abstractThomas Scharrenbach, Claudia d'Amato, Nicola Fanizzi, Rolf Grütter, Bettina Waldvogel, Abraham Bernstein, Unsupervised Conflict-Free Ontology Evolution Without Removing Axioms, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics (IWOD 2010), November 2010, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (inproceedings)
  • Show abstractRolf Grütter, Thomas Scharrenbach, Bettina Waldvogel, Vague Spatio-Thematic Query-Processing - A Qualitative Approach to Spatial Closeness, Transactions in GIS 14, April 2010. (article)


  • Rolf Grütter, Thomas Scharrenbach, A Qualitative Approach to Vague Spatio-Thematic Query Processing, Proceedings of the Terra Cognita Workshop, ISWC2009, Editor(s): Dave Kolas, Nancy Wiegand, Gary Berg-Cross, October ; 2009. (inproceedings)
  • Show abstractThomas Scharrenbach, Abraham Bernstein, On the Evolution of Ontologies using Probabilistic Description Logics, Proceedings of the First ESWC Workshop on Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning on the Semantic Web, Editor(s): Claudia d'Amato, Nicola Fanizzi, Marko Grobelnik, Agnieszka Lawrynowicz, Vojtech Svátek, June ; 2009, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (inproceedings)
  • Bettina Bauer-Messmer, Lukas Wotruba, Kalin Müller, Sandro Bischof, Rolf Grütter, Thomas Scharrenbach, Rolf Meile, Martin Hägeli, Jürg Schenker, The Data Centre Nature and Landscape (DNL): Service Oriented Architecture, Metadata Standards and Semantic Technologies in an Environmental Information System, EnviroInfo 2009: Environmental Informatics and Industrial Environmental Protection: Concepts, Methods and Tools, Editor(s): Volker Wohlgemuth, Bernd Page, Kristina Voigt, September ; 2009, Shaker Verlag, Aachen. (inproceedings)


  • Thomas Scharrenbach, End-User Assisted Ontology Evolution in Uncertain Domains, The Semantic Web - ISWC 2008, 7th International Semantic Web Conference 2008, Springer. (inproceedings)
  • Bettina Bauer-Messmer, Thomas Scharrenbach, Rolf Grütter, Improving an Environmental Ontology by Incorporating User-Input, Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, September 2008. (inproceedings)
  • Rolf Grütter, Thomas Scharrenbach, Bettina Bauer-Messmer, Improving an RCC-Derived Geospatial Approximation by OWL Axioms, The Semantic Web - ISWC 2008, 7th International Semantic Web Conference, October 2008, Springer. (inproceedings)

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