Internet Giants Gather in Galway
Monday 3rd October, 2005
Sir Tim Berners Lee, - the inventor of the World Wide Web and John Herlihy, Director Online Sales & Operations, Google Europe are among the line up heading a unique event aimed to inform blue chip CEOs’ about the future of the web and how it’s going to impact their business.
The event called “The Information Juggernaut” will be hosted by the Digital Enterprise Research Institute at NUI Galway on 7th November. It is attached to the International Semantic Web Conference 2005, which DERI is hosting and which will bring 400 top researchers and industrialists to Ireland.
With help from IDA Ireland, and Enterprise Ireland, DERI will host this unique "invitation only" session. It is unique because this is the academic world making a big effort to get the industrial world on board the new Semantic technology that researchers are developing. According to DERI’s Liam Ó Móráin,
"We want CEOs to get excited by the potential of this technology and to get them actively involved with DERI in its development. This is what the knowledge economy is all about. In partnership with DERI, Irish business is uniquely placed to exploit this developing technology and get a head start on the rest of the world. Semantic technology will enable companies to efficiently integrate, search, and retrieve information right across the supply chain. Because information is the heartbeat of an organisation, this technology will add real vigour to its pulse".
The full panel consists of:
- Sir Tim Berners Lee (Inventor of the World Wide Web) and Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (Cambridge, Ma)
- John Herlihy, Director Online Sales & Operations, Google Europe
- William Stangel, SVP and Chief Technology Officer, Fidelity Investments – the largest mutual investment company in the US (Boston)
- Patrick Gannon, CEO, OASIS (OASIS is the leading eBusiness Worldwide Standards Organisation (Boston)
- Liam Ó Móráin, DERI (Galway)
Both Patrick Gannon and John Herlihy have described this as "the most exciting line up of speakers" they’ve seen in a long time.