Journal – Paper J6

The YASGUI Family of SPARQL Clients

Lauren Rietveld, Rinke Hoekstra


clock_eventOctober 24, 2017, 11:30.
house Stolz 1
access Access paper (preprint)


The size and complexity of the Semantic Web makes it difficult to query. For this reason, accessing Linked Data requires a tool with a strong focus on usability. In this paper we present the YASGUI family of SPARQL clients, a continuation of the YASGUI library introduced more than two years ago. The YASGUI family of SPARQL clients enables publishers to improve the ease of access to their SPARQL endpoints, and provides consumers of Linked Data with a robust, feature-rich SPARQL editor. We show that the YASGUI family made a large impact on the landscape of Linked Data management: YASGUI components are integrated in state-of-the-art triple-stores and Linked Data applications, and used as front-end by a large number of Linked Data publishers. Additionally, we show that the YASGUI web service – providing access to any SPARQL endpoint – has been a popular service for Linked Data consumers.

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