Demo – Paper 613

A Semantic Search Engine For Investigating Human Trafficking

Mayank Kejriwal, Thomas Schellenberg and Pedro Szekely


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Enabling intelligent search systems that can navigate and facet on entities, classes and relationships, rather than plain text, to answer questions in complex domains is a longstanding aspect of the Semantic Web vision. In this demo, we present an investigative search engine that meets some of these challenges, at scale, for a variety of complex queries in the human trafficking domain. The search engine has been rigorously prototyped as part of the DARPA MEMEX program and has been integrated into the latest version of the Domain-specific Insight Graph (DIG) architecture, currently used by hundreds of US law enforcement agencies for investigating human trafficking. Over a hundred million ads have been indexed. We demonstrate the in-use version of DIG (the prototype described in the in-use paper titled "An investigative search engine for the human trafficking domain"), allowing a user to experience the system in real time.

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