Poster – Paper 546
Background: The Unified Medical Language System is a formal ontology of the biomedical and health domain. Its goal is to offer a vocabulary that would fa-cilitate the exchange of information between informatics systems. The semantics and basic facts of the UMLS are contained in the Semantic Network of MetaThe-saurus. The objective of this research is to translate their content into a OWL-2 Ontology that can be interrogated and inferenced through a SPARQL Endpoint.
Methods: The translated model of the UMLS towards the UMLS-OWL was done through the classification of the conceptual entities, the atoms and the rela-tionships of the UMLS into entities of the T-BOX, R-BOX, and A-BOX logic of descriptions.
Results: The experimentation will validate the interoperability of the trans-formation by using tools of the semantic web to consult the UMLS-OWL.
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