Poster – Paper 536

MobileWave: Publishing RDF Streams From SmartPhones

Yehia Abo Sedira, Riccardo Tommasini and Emanuele Della Valle


clock_event October 23, 2017, Poster and Demo Reception, 18:30-21:20
house Festsaal 1
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The number of applications leveraging data from sensors on smart-phones is growing. However, they tend to focus on single Apps for personal sensing rather than trying to achieve a greater good (social sens- ing) by addressing challenges as App interoperability and geographical distribution of devices. In this paper, we present MobileWave a framework that allows creating, composing and publishing RDF streams from smart-phones. MobileWave extends TripleWave with a publish/subscribe middleware that collects affluent RDF Streams, composes them into a swollen RDF stream and publishes it on the Web.

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