Resource – Paper 162

Ireland’s Authoritative Geospatial Linked Data

Christophe Debruyne, Alan Meehan, Eamonn Clinton, Lorraine McNerney, Atul Nautiyal, Peter Lavin and Declan O'Sullivan


clock_eventOctober 25, 2017, 11:10.
house Stolz 2
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Abstract aims to provide an authoritative service for serving Ireland’s national geospatial data as Linked Data. The service currently provides information on Irish administrative boundaries and the boundaries used for the Irish 2011 census. The service is designed to support two use cases: serving boundary data of geographic features at various level of detail and capturing the evolution of administrative boundaries. In this paper, we report on the development of the service and elaborate on some of the informed decisions concerned with the URI strategy and use of named graphs for the support of aforementioned use cases – relating those with similar initiatives. While clear insights on how the data is being used are still being gathered, we provide examples of how and where this geospatial Linked Data dataset is used.

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