Martin Volk's Publications

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2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992


[Klaper et al. 2013]
David Klaper, Sarah Ebling and Martin Volk: Building a German/Simple German Parallel Corpus for Automatic Text Simplification. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for Target Reader Populations (PITR 2013). Sofia. 2013.
[Läubli et al. 2013]
Samuel Läubli, Mark Fishel, Manuela Weibel and Martin Volk: Combining statistical machine translation and translation memories with domain adaptation. In: Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013). Oslo. 2013.


[Ebling et al. 2012]
Sarah Ebling, Katja Tissi and Martin Volk: Semi-Automatic Annotation of Semantic Relations in a Swiss German Sign Language Lexicon. In: Proceedings of LREC Workshop on Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Interaction between Corpus and Lexicon. Istanbul. 2012.
[Grigonyte et al. 2012]
Gintare Grigonyte, Fabio Rinaldi and Martin Volk: Change of biomedical domain terminology over time. In: Proceedings of Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective (Baltic HLT 2012). Tartu. 2012.
[Petukhova et al. 2012]
Volha Petukhova, Rodrigo Agerri, Mark Fishel, Yota Georgakopoulou, Sergio Penkale, Arantza del Pozo, Mirjam Sepesy Maucec, Martin Volk and Andy Way: SUMAT: Data Collection and Parallel Corpus Compilation for Machine Translation of Subtitles. In: Proceedings of LREC. Istanbul. 2012.
[Plamada et al. 2012a]
Magdalena Plamada and Martin Volk: Using parallel treebanks for machine translation evaluation. In: Proceedings of The 11th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT). Lisbon. 2012.
[Plamada et al. 2012b]
Magdalena Plamada and Martin Volk: Towards a Wikipedia-extracted alpine corpus. In: Proceedings of Fifth Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora. Istanbul. 2012.
[Rios et al. 2012]
Annette Rios, Anne Göhring and Martin Volk: Parallel Treebanking Spanish-Quechua: How and how well do they align? In: Proceedings of 9th Conference on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Heidelberg. 2012.


[Burchardt et al. 2011]
Aljoscha Burchardt, Markus Egg, Kathrin Eichler, Brigitte Krenn, Annette Leßmöllmann, Georg Rehm, Manfred Stede, Hans Uszkoreit and Martin Volk: Languages in the European Information Society - German. META-NET White Paper Series. Budapest. 2011.
[Ebling et al. 2011a]
Sarah Ebling, Andy Way, Martin Volk and Sudip Kumar Naskar: Combining Semantic and Syntactic Generalization in Example-Based Machine Translation. In: Proceedings of The 15th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT-2011). Leuven. 2011.
[Ebling et al. 2011b]
Sarah Ebling, Rico Sennrich, David Klaper and Martin Volk: Digging for Names in the Mountains: Combined Person Name Recognition and Reference Resolution for German Alpine Texts. In: Proceedings of The 5th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics. Poznan. 2011.
[Furrer and Volk 2011a]
Lenz Furrer and Martin Volk: Reducing OCR errors in Gothic script documents. In: ERCIM News (86). pages 29-30. 2011.
[Furrer and Volk 2011b]
Lenz Furrer and Martin Volk: Reducing OCR errors in Gothic script documents. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Language Technologies for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (associated with RANLP 2011). Hissar, Bulgaria. 2011.
[Göhring and Volk 2011]
Anne Göhring and Martin Volk: The Text+Berg Corpus: An Alpine French-German Parallel Resource. In: Proceedings of Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2011). Montpellier. 2011.
[Hjelm and Volk 2011]
Hans Hjelm and Martin Volk: Cross-language Ontology Learning. In: Wilson Wong, Wei Lu, and Mohammed Bennamoun (eds.) Ontology Learning and Knowledge Discovery Using the Web: Challenges and Recent Advances. IGI Global. Perth. 2011. pages 272-297.
[Jitca et al. 2011]
Magdalena Jitca, Rico Sennrich and Martin Volk: From Historic Books to Annotated XML: Building a Large Multilingual Diachronic Corpus. In: Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications. Proceedings of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) Hamburg. 2011.
[Killer et al. 2011]
Markus Killer, Rico Sennrich and Martin Volk: From Multilingual Web-Archives to Parallel Treebanks in Five Minutes. In: Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications. Proceedings of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) Hamburg. 2011.
[Sennrich and Volk 2011]
Rico Sennrich and Martin Volk: Iterative, MT-Based Sentence Alignment of Parallel Texts. In: Proceedings of The 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (Nodalida 2011). Riga. 2011.
[Volk et al. 2011a]
Martin Volk, Lenz Furrer and Rico Sennrich: Strategies for Reducing and Correcting OCR Errors. In: C. Sporleder et al. (eds.): Language Technology for Cultural Heritage: Selected Papers from the LaTeCH Workshop Series. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. 2011, pages 3-22.
[Volk et al. 2011b]
Martin Volk, Anne Göhring, Stéphanie Lehner, Annette Rios, Rico Sennrich and Heli Uibo: Word-aligned Parallel Text. A new Resource for Contrastive Language Studies. In: Proceedings of SDH 2011 Supporting Digital Humanities: Answering the unaskable. Copenhagen. 2011.
[Volk et al. 2011c]
Martin Volk, Torsten Marek and Yvonne Samuelsson: Building and Querying Parallel Treebanks. In: Translation: Computation, Corpora, Cognition (Special Issue on Parallel Corpora: Annotation, Exploitation and Evaluation). 1(1), 2011, pages 7-28.
[Volk and Sennrich 2011]
Martin Volk and Rico Sennrich: Disambiguation of English Contractions for Machine Translation of TV Subtitles. In: Proceedings of The 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (Nodalida 2011). Riga. 2011.


[Ahrenberg et al. 2010]
Lars Ahrenberg, Jörg Tiedemann and Martin Volk (eds.): Proceedings of Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora. Tartu. 2010.
[Piotrowski et al. 2010]
Michael Piotrowski, Samuel Läubli and Martin Volk: Towards Mapping of Alpine Route Descriptions. In: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR'10). Zurich. 2010.
[Sennrich and Volk 2010]
Rico Sennrich and Martin Volk: MT-based Sentence Alignment for OCR-generated Parallel Texts. In: Proceedings of The Ninth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA 2010). Denver. 2010.
[Volk et al. 2010a]
Martin Volk, Noah Bubenhofer, Adrian Althaus, Maya Bangerter, Lenz Furrer, and Beni Ruef: Challenges in Building a Multilingual Alpine Heritage Corpus. In: Proceedings of LREC. Malta. 2010.
[Volk et al. 2010b]
Martin Volk, Anne Göhring, and Torsten Marek: Combining Parallel Treebanks and Geo-Tagging. In: Proceedings of The Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW IV). Uppsala. 2010.
[Volk et al. 2010c]
Martin Volk, Torsten Marek, and Rico Sennrich: Reducing OCR Errors by Combining Two OCR Systems. In: Proceedings of ECAI 2010 Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2010). Lisbon. 2010.
[Volk et al. 2010d]
Martin Volk, Rico Sennrich, Christian Hardmeier, and Frida Tidström: Machine Translation of TV Subtitles for Large Scale Production. In: Proceedings of the Second Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop on Bringing MT to the User: Research on Integrating MT in the Translation Industry. Denver. 2010, pages 53-62.
[Volk und Bangerter 2010]
Martin Volk und Maya Bangerter: Mehrsprachige Studiengänge und Sprachtechnologie. Poster at the Conference on Professionalising Multilingualism in Higher Education Luxemburg. 2010.


[Hardmeier and Volk 2009]
Christian Hardmeier and Martin Volk: Using Linguistic Annotations in Statistical Machine Translation of Film Subtitles. In: Proceedings of Nodalida. Odense. 2009.
[Jekat und Volk 2009]
Susanne Jekat und Martin Volk: Maschinelle und Computergestützte Übersetzung. In: Ralf Klabunde et al. (Hrsg.): Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie. Eine Einführung. Spektrum Verlag. 3., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. 2009.
[Marek et al. 2009]
Torsten Marek, Gerold Schneider, and Martin Volk: A Framework for Constituent-Dependency Conversion. In: Proceedings of 8th Conference on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Milano. 2009.
[Rios et al. 2009]
Annette Rios, Anne Göhring, and Martin Volk: A Quechua-Spanish Parallel Treebank. In: Proceedings of 7th Conference on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Groningen. 2009.
[Sennrich et al. 2009]
Rico Sennrich, Gerold Schneider, Martin Volk, and Martin Warin: A New Hybrid Dependency Parser. In: Proceedings of GSCL-Conference. Potsdam. 2009.
[Volk and Warin 2009]
Martin Volk and Martin Warin: Datorerna råpluggar översättning [Computers grind translation]. In: Språktidningen. 5. 2009, pages 58-61.
[Volk 2009]
Martin Volk: How many Mountains are there in Switzerland?Explorations of the SwissTopo Name List. In: Simon Clematide, Manfred Klenner, Martin Volk (eds.): Searching Answers. A Festschrift for Michael Hess on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. MV-Verlag. 2009.
[Volk et al. 2009]
Martin Volk, Noah Bubenhofer, Adrian Althaus, and Maya Bangerter: Classifying Named Entities in an Alpine Heritage Corpus. In: Künstliche Intelligenz (Themenheft: Kulturerbe und KI, Günter Görz (ed.)). 2009, pages 40-43.


[Marek et al. 2008]
Torsten Marek, Joakim Lundborg and Martin Volk: Extending the TIGER Query Language with Universal Quantification In: Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge (Proceedings of KONVENS). Berlin. 2008.
[Volk 2008]
Martin Volk: The Automatic Translation of Film Subtitles. A Machine Translation Success Story? In: Joakim Nivre, Mats Dahllöf and Beáta Megyesi (eds.): Resourceful Language Technology: Festschrift in Honor of Anna Sågvall Hein. Uppsala. 2008.
[Volk et al. 2008]
Martin Volk, Torsten Marek, Yvonne Samuelsson: Human Judgements in Parallel Treebank Alignment In: Proceedings of COLING Workshop on Human Assessments in Computational Linguistics. Manchester. 2008.


[Lundborg et al. 2007]
Joakim Lundborg, Torsten Marek, Maël Mettler and Martin Volk: Using the Stockholm TreeAligner. In: Proc. of the 6th Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Bergen. 2007.
[Samuelsson and Volk 2007a]
Yvonne Samuelsson and Martin Volk: Alignment Tools for Parallel Treebanks. In: Proc. of GLDV Frühjahrstagung. Tübingen. 2007.
[Samuelsson and Volk 2007b]
Yvonne Samuelsson and Martin Volk: Automatic Phrase Alignment. Using statistical n-gram alignment for syntactic phrase alignment. In: Proc. of the 6th Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Bergen. 2007.
[Volk et al. 2007]
Martin Volk, Joakim Lundborg and Maël Mettler: A Search Tool for Parallel Treebanks. In: Proc. of ACL Workshop on Linguistic Annotation. Prague. 2007.
[Volk and Harder 2007]
Martin Volk and Søren Harder: Evaluating MT with Translations or Translators. What is the Difference? In: Proc. of MT-Summit XI. Copenhagen. 2007.
[Volk and Samuelsson 2007]
Martin Volk and Yvonne Samuelsson: Frame-Semantic Annotation on a Parallel Treebank. In: Proc. of Nodalida Workshop on Building Frame Semantics Resources for Scandinavian and Baltic Languages. Tartu. 2007.
[Volk and Tidström 2007]
Martin Volk and Frida Tidström: Comparing French PP-attachment to English, German and Swedish. In: Proc. of Nodalida. Tartu. 2007.


[Samuelsson and Volk 2006]
Yvonne Samuelsson and Martin Volk: Phrase Alignment in Parallel Treebanks. In: Proc. of the 5th Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Prague. 2006.
[Volk et al. 2006]
Martin Volk, Sofia Gustafson-Capková, Joakim Lundborg, Torsten Marek, Yvonne Samuelsson and Frida Tidström: XML-based Phrase Alignment in Parallel Treebanks. In: Proc. of EACL Workshop on Multi-dimensional Markup in Natural Language Processing. Trento. 2006.
[Volk 2006]
Martin Volk: How bad is the problem of PP-attachment? A comparison of English, German and Swedish. In: Proc. of ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions. Trento. 2006.


[Merz and Volk 2005]
Charlotte Merz and Martin Volk: Requirements for a Parallel Treebank Search Tool. In: Proc. of the GLDV conference. Bonn. 2005.
[Nivre et al. 2005]
Joakim Nivre, Koenraad de Smedt, and Martin Volk: Treebanks. A Whitepaper. In: Nordisk Sprogteknologi. Nordic Language Technology. Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004. Museum Tusculanums Forlag. Copenhagen. 2005.
[Samuelsson and Volk 2005]
Yvonne Samuelsson and Martin Volk: Presentation and Representation of Parallel Treebanks. In: Proc. of the Nodalida Workshop on Treebanks for spoken language and discourse. Joensuu. 2005.
[Volk et al. 2005]
Martin Volk, Sofia Gustafson-Capková, David Hagstrand, and Heli Uibo: Teaching Treebanking. In: Nordisk Sprogteknologi. Nordic Language Technology. Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004. Museum Tusculanums Forlag. Copenhagen. 2005.
[Warin et al. 2005]
Martin Warin, Henrik Oxhammar, and Martin Volk: Enriching an Ontology with WordNet based on Similarity Measures In: Proc. of the MEANING-2005 Workshop. Trento. 2005.


[Buitelaar et al. 2004]
Paul Buitelaar, Diana Steffen, Martin Volk, Dominic Widdows, Bogdan Sacaleanu, Špela Vintar, Stanley Peters, Hans Uszkoreit: Evaluation Resources for Concept-based Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain. In: Proc. of LREC. Lissabon. 2004.
[Samuelsson and Volk 2004]
Yvonne Samuelsson and Martin Volk: Automatic Node Insertion for Treebank Deepening. In: Proc. of the Third Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT). Tübingen. 2004.
[Stocker et al. 2004]
C. Stocker, D. Macher, R. Studler, N. Bubenhofer, D. Crvelin, R. Liniger and M. Volk: Studien-CD Linguistik. Multimediale Einführungen und interaktive Übungen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft. Tübingen: Niemeyer-Verlag. 2004.
[Volk and Samuelsson 2004]
Martin Volk and Yvonne Samuelsson: Bootstrapping Parallel Treebanks. In: Proc. of the Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC) at COLING. Geneva. 2004.


[Sacaleanu et al. 2003]
Bogdan Sacaleanu, Paul Buitelaar, Martin Volk: A Cross-Language Document Retrieval System Based on Semantic Annotation. In: Proc. of EACL. Budapest. 2003.
[Vintar et al. 2003]
Spela Vintar, Paul Buitelaar, Martin Volk: Semantic Relations in Concept-based Cross-Language Medical Information Retrieval. In: Proc. of Workshop on Adaptive Text Extraction and Mining. Cavtat-Dubrovnik. 2003.
[Volk et al. 2003]
Martin Volk, Spela Vintar, Paul Buitelaar: Ontologies in Cross-Language Information Retrieval. In: Proc. of 2nd Conference on Professional Knowledge Management. Lucerne. 2003.
[Volk 2003]
Martin Volk: German prepositions and their kin. A survey with respect to the resolution of PP attachment ambiguities. In: Proc. of the Workshop on The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and their Use in Computational Linguistics Formalisms and Applications. Toulouse. 2003. [Re-published as chapter 6 in Patrick St. Dizier (ed.): Dimensions of the syntax and the semantics of prepositions. Kluwer. 2005.]


[Volk 2002a]
Martin Volk: Using the Web as Corpus for Linguistic Research. In: Renate Pajusalu and Tiit Hennoste (eds.): Tähendusepüüdja. Catcher of the Meaning. A Festschrift for Professor Haldur Õim. Publications of the Department of General Linguistics 3. University of Tartu. 2002.
[Volk 2002b]
Martin Volk: Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Methods for PP Attachment Disambiguation. In: Proc. of COLING-2002. Taipeh. 2002.
[Volk et al. 2002a]
Martin Volk, Anna-Katharina Pantli and Anita Mirjam Malka: The length factor in automatic bilingual terminology extraction. In: Proc. of 6th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering. Nancy. 2002.
[Volk et al. 2002b]
Martin Volk, Bärbel Ripplinger, Spela Vintar, Paul Buitelaar, Diana Raileanu and Bogdan Sacaleanu: Semantic Annotation for Concept-Based Cross-Language Medical Information Retrieval. In: International Journal of Medical Informatics. 67(1-3). 2002. 97-112.
[Volk and Buitelaar 2002]
Martin Volk and Paul Buitelaar: A Systematic Evaluation of Concept-Based Cross-Language Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain. In: Proc. of 3rd Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop. Leuven. 2002.


[Arnold et al. 2001]
Toni Arnold, Simon Clematide, Roberto Nespeca, Jeannette Roth, and Martin Volk: LUIS - Ein natürlichsprachliches, universitäres Informationssystem. In: H.-J. Appelrath, R. Beyer, U. Marquardt, H.C. Mayr and C. Steinberger (eds.): Proc. of "Unternehmen Hochschule" (Symposium UH 2001). Wien. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings. 115-126.
[Clematide and Volk 2001]
Simon Clematide and Martin Volk: Linguistische und semantische Annotation eines Zeitungskorpus. In: Proc. of GLDV-Jahrestagung. Giessen: 2001.
[Volk 2001a]
Martin Volk: Exploiting the WWW as a corpus to resolve PP attachment ambiguities. In: Proc. of Corpus Linguistics 2001. Lancaster: 2001.
[Volk 2001b]
Martin Volk: The Automatic Resolution of Prepositional Phrase - Attachment Ambiguities in German. Habilitation thesis, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts. Zurich: September 2001.
[Volk and Clematide 2001]
Martin Volk and Simon Clematide: Learn-Filter-Apply-Forget. Mixed Approaches to Named Entity Recognition. In: Proc. of 6th International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language for Information Systems. Madrid: 2001.


[Bohan et al. 2000]
N. Bohan, E. Breidt and M. Volk: Evaluating Translation Quality as Input to Product Development. In: Proc. of Second Int. Conference On Language Resources And Evaluation. LREC-2000. Athens,Greece. 2000.
[Volk 2000]
Martin Volk: Scaling up. Using the WWW to resolve PP attachment ambiguities. In: Proc. of Konvens-2000. Ilmenau. October 2000.


[Mehl and Volk 99]
S. Mehl and M. Volk: Aspects of the Translation of English Subordinate Clauses into German. In: Problems and Potential of English-to-German MT systems. Workshop at the 8th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation. TMI-99. Chester: 1999.
[Volk 99]
Martin Volk: Choosing the right lemma when analysing German nouns. In: Multilinguale Corpora: Codierung, Strukturierung, Analyse. 11. Jahrestagung der GLDV. Frankfurt. 1999. 304-310.


[Mehl et al. 98a]
S. Mehl; H. Langer; M. Volk: Statistische Verfahren zur Zuordnung von Präpositionalphrasen. In: Proc. of KONVENS-98. Bonn. 1998. 97-110.
[Mehl et al. 98b]
S. Mehl; B. Heidemann; M. Volk: Zur Problematik der maschinellen Übersetzung von Nebensätzen zwischen den Sprachen Englisch und Deutsch. In: Rita Nübel; Uta Seewald-Heeg (eds.): Evaluation of the Linguistic Performance of Machine Translation Systems. Proceedings of the Workshop at the KONVENS-98. Bonn: 1998. 75-92.
[Schneider and Volk 98]
Gerold Schneider and Martin Volk: Adding Manual Constraints and Lexical Look-up to a Brill-Tagger for German. In: ESSLLI-98 Workshop on Recent Advances in Corpus Annotation. Saarbrücken: 1998.
[Volk 98a]
Martin Volk: Markup of a Test Suite with SGML. In: John Nerbonne (ed.): Linguistic Databases. CSLI. 1998. 59-76.
[Volk 98b]
Martin Volk: The Automatic Translation of Idioms. Machine Translation vs. Translation Memory Systems. In: Nico Weber (ed.): Machine Translation: Theory, Applications, and Evaluation. An assessment of the state of the art. St. Augustin: gardez-Verlag. 1998.
[Volk 98c]
Martin Volk: Das Evaluieren von Software für die maschinenunterstützte Übersetzung. In: équivalences 97. Die Akten. Computerwerkzeuge am Übersetzer-Arbeitsplatz: Theorie und Praxis. Bern: ASTTI. Schweizerischer Übersetzer-, Terminologen- und Dolmetscher-Verband. 1998. 105-117.
[Volk and Schneider 98]
Martin Volk and Gerold Schneider: Comparing a statistical and a rule-based tagger for German. In: Proc. of KONVENS-98. Bonn: 1998, 125-137.


[Langer et al. 97]
H. Langer; S. Mehl; M. Volk: Hybride NLP-Systeme und das Problem der PP-Anbindung. In: Berichtsband des Workshops ``Hybride konnektionistische, statistische und symbolische Ansätze zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache'' auf der 21. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz, KI-97. Freiburg: 1997. (Auch veröffentlicht als DFKI Document-1998-03.)
[Stolzenburg et al. 97]
F. Stolzenburg; S. Höhne; U. Koch; M. Volk: Constraint Logic Programming for Computational Linguistics. In: Selected Papers of the 1st International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Nancy: Springer, Berlin. 1997. 406-425.
[Volk 97]
Martin Volk: Probing the lexicon in evaluating commercial MT systems. In: Proc. of ACL/EACL Joint Conference. Madrid: 1997. 112-119.
[Volk and Richarz 97]
Martin Volk and Dirk Richarz: Experiences with the GTU grammar development environment. In: D. Estival; A. Lavelli; K. Netter; F. Pianesi (eds.): Workshop on Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering at the ACL/EACL Joint Conference. Madrid: 1997. 107-113.


[Volk 96a]
Martin Volk: Parsing with ID/LP and PS rules. In: Natural Language Processing and Speech Technology. Results of the 3rd KONVENS Conference (Bielefeld). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1996. 342-353.
[Volk 96b]
Martin Volk: Die Rolle der Valenz bei der Auflösung von PP-Mehrdeutigkeiten. In: S. Mehl, A. Mertens and M. Schulz (eds.): Präpositionalsemantik und PP-Anbindung. Workshop at the 3rd KONVENS Conference (Bielefeld) Report No SI-16. Department of Computer Science. University of Duisburg. 1996. 32-38.
[Volk 96c]
Martin Volk: A review of "Syntax and Parsing" by Paul Gorrell. In: Literary and Linguistic Computing. Vol.11 (2). 1996. 104-105.

Student Contributions to the Tartu Workshop on Computational Linguistics (Tartu/Estonia Sept. 9.-13. 1996)


[Volk 95a]
Martin Volk: Einsatz einer Testsatzsammlung im Grammar Engineering. (Dissertation. Universität Koblenz-Landau. 1994.) "Sprache und Information" Bd. 30. Max Niemeyer Verlag. 1995.
[Volk et al. 95b]
Martin Volk; Michael Jung and Dirk Richarz: GTU - A workbench for the development of natural language grammars. In: Proc. of the Conference on Practical Applications of Prolog. Paris: 1995. 637-660.


[Jung et al. 94]
Michael Jung; Dirk Richarz and Martin Volk: GTU - Eine Grammatik-Testumgebung. In: Proceedings of KONVENS-94. Wien: 1994. 427-430.
[Volk et al. 94a]
Martin Volk; Arne Fitschen; Stefan Pieper and René van Luijt: Was ist Linguistic Engineering?. In: KI. (4). 1994. 15-22.
[Volk et al. 94b]
M. Volk; M. Jung; D. Richarz; A. Fitschen; J. Hubrich; C. Lieske; S. Pieper; H. Ridder and A. Wagner: GTU -- A workbench for the development of natural language grammars. Informatik Fachbericht (12/94). Institute of Computational Linguistics: Universität Koblenz-Landau. 1994.


[Bátori and Volk 93]
Istvan Bátori and Martin Volk: Das Verhältnis von natürlichsprachlichen Korpora zu systematischen Sammlungen konstruierter Sätze. In: Sprache und Datenverarbeitung (Sonderheft: Beiträge zum Workshop "Repräsentatives Korpus der deutschen Sprache"). Bonn: 1993. 21-30.


[Stolzenburg and Volk 92]
Frieder Stolzenburg and Martin Volk: UBS - eine unifikationsbasierte Sprache zur Implementation von HPSG. In: LDV-Forum. 9(1) 1992. 10-13.
[Volk 92]
Martin Volk: The Role of Testing in Grammar Engineering. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing. Trento: 1992. 257–258.

Martin Volk