Confidence NN in IN the DT pound NN is VBZ widely RB expected VBN to TO take VB another DT sharp JJ dive NN if IN trade NN figures NNS for IN September NNP , , due JJ for IN release NN tomorrow NN , , fail VB to TO show VB a DT substantial JJ improvement NN from IN July NNP and CC August NNP 's POS near-record JJ deficits NNS . . Chancellor NNP of IN the DT Exchequer NNP Nigel NNP Lawson NNP 's POS restated VBN commitment NN to TO a DT firm NN monetary JJ policy NN has VBZ helped VBN to TO prevent VB a DT freefall NN in IN sterling NN over IN the DT past JJ week NN . .